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Thread: odds on tpr?
Ms. D,
This form you mention- is that for US or another country?
I agree with others that the case could change at any time. However my advise is position yourself for success by applying for Defacto parent status anytime after 6 months, submit Caregiver information form (JV-290) at every court hearing. Keeps notes with dates on any contact the parent has with the child or you. A summary of these notes should be submitted in the JV 290 form. Make sure SW is aware that you take notes on everything. This will sometimes keep the SW accountable. Advocate for the child in writing to the SW via email listing your concerns for the child and what you do for the child and how its impacting the childs growth and development. Take my advise when it comes to DCFS and court everything must have a paper trail that can be documented. Ask ( in written form via email) and continue to ask for every service you think this child may need. When submitting the JV 290 form state the facts as you know them not your opinion. Information should be presented using bullet points which makes it easier to read. Remember everyone involved in the case (children's attorney, parents attorney and judge) gets a copy of JV-290. You are the one who knows the child best and you want to present the facts as the expert on this child social, educational and emotional growth. When the time comes petition the court for education rights which allow for you the right to make any educational decision such as therapy decision, IFSP...