Well the boys have been here over a month. How time flies. I decided to quit my job and be a stay at home mom. I am just lucky that I can afford to do that, but I have been re-thinking that idea. I need adult conversation.
The boys have had some problems, mainly O who is 3. He knows he has maternal relatives who live near by and they see him often. When they do visit, it is so hard to get him back on a schedule and eating agian. He is also very sneaky boy, and manipulative esp in public places. When he knows he is doing something he isn't supposed to, he will look at me out to the corner of his eyes...this drives me nuts...its an ugly,scary look. He has started talking much more, when he came to me he had a limited vocabulary. He does have some sentences now, but most of the time it is baby babble, but at least he is grasping language.
Baby Z (13 months old) is such a sweet baby. He does have attachment problems and it can be frustrating. He is not crying like he used to. When I'd leave the room he'd cry and cry until I walked back in. But he is crawling which is great he didn't crawl when he came to live with me. He also stood up for the first time!!! soon he will be walking. He has some motor skill delays, and that is from being in a car seat 24 hours a day! he is also starting to talk. He says momma, bye-bye, nu-ma (the dog's name) and oh no....
I hope everyone else is doing well.....keep us in your prayers.....
Congrats on making it a month! We are a little over a month and a half with L, J we have had 10 months. That is awesome that Z is starting to talk already and crawl and pull himself up. Hopefully O will "catch up" with his talking and dealing with relative visits.
Hugs to you,