We just finished our MAPP classes tonight :cool: and my DH and I have been talking long and hard about possibly foster/adtoping a teen. I'm pretty into horses and have had a lot of contact with 10-14 yr olds and (believe it or not!) love the age group. I'm 30 in May and my dh is 32 so it seems that I'm young enough to still identify with teen struggles while being old enough to be strict when needed... We are currently childless but we're been looking at some children on, 2 or 3 10-12 yr old girls in particular... Are we nuts?? :D
DH and I also foster teen boys. We have 4 right now. 3-15yr olds and one 17 yr old. We have hade a total of 12 children this year. 7 of them where teen boys.
These teens need a home where they feel accepted, challenged, safe, and loved. Not all of them are accepting of this kind of enviroment, but most have been.
I have raised 6 children of my own. 5 of them being boys. The experience we have had with raising foster sons is a very different experience. We have found that we usally have only one doing really well at any given time, However, they do all take turns at doing well. We have to keep in mind their age and backgrounds.
Fostering Teens is not for the person who has trouble facing conflict. because there is always conflict when dealing with teens and you have to able to deal with things head on in a very firm but loving manner. Sometimes we have had to be more firm than loving.
You are not nuts. God gave us each unique talents. Don't be afraid to use the talents you have. Good luck.
You are certainly not nuts! We have been fostering teen boys for the last 3 years and I absolutely love it!! There is a great need for fostering teens. Dont believe all of the horror stories you hear....but don't go into it blind either!!LOL!! Right now we have 2 FS...15 and 16 years old...not to mention my bios 20, 18, 16 and 9. Oh and my precious 2yo grandbaby! Good luck to ya!