WOW I don't even know where to start. We have been matched with a 4 1/2 y/o boy thru the state and we are sooo excited. Here is the question I have tho.
We have not been able to meet him yet, our cw said that he will know who we are when we meet him but this morning I spoke to his and she said he will not. Here is were I am confused, we were asked to take photos to send to his cw so she can go prepare him. How will he not know who we are if he sees the photos? Maybe I am just over thinking all of this. I sure don't know the procedure.
Any insight would be soooo appreciated!
Congratulations on your match! It is so exciting! As to whether he will recognize you, it sounds like they are putting together a little photo album for him to help him get adjusted to the idea of his new family. But, at his age, he might not totally get it and be able to recognize you. In another post, you asked what to expect. I'm not from PA, so I don't know how things work there, but I can say it is very exciting. With our 3, my DH and I both felt very strongly like we just clicked with our kids. They were very anxious and on their best behavior, of course, so it was not an accurate picture of what was to come. But my visits with them are among the happiest memories of my life. And the kids remember EVERYTHING about them. I would bring him a little gift, maybe a stuffed animal. My kids have an amazing sense of smell, and he might, too. Maybe you could sleep with the stuffed animal a night or two before you gave it to him so he could get used to your scent? Anyway, on our first visit, we had the kids over our house for pizza and went to the park. The second visit was my son's birthday. We went out to a Mexican restaurant, took them to the beach on Lake Michigan, and then went home for cake and presents. My kids still have the rocks they collected that day. Take pictures for his life book. My kids love the pictures from our visits. Congratulations once again on your new son!
Congratulations on being matched!
I remember what a joyous time that is. In our case, our son was a little older... 10 years old. Technically, the child is not supposed to know that you are a preadoptive placement family, but my son knew. The former foster family told him that we were possibly going to adopt him.
On the first weekend visit, he flat out asked if we were going to adopt him. We didn't want to start off keeping the truth from him, so we told him that we were going to try to adopt him, but that there were alot of people who make that decision. He asked to call us "mom & dad" on the next weekend visit. :)
He is our son... he's been here for almost a year... but we are STILL waiting for the county to TPR on the former family... so we wait and wait and wait.
Best wishes!
First I would like to thank you all for you warm wishes.
I spoke to our lil boys case worker yesterday and she rec'd our photo album and will be sitting down with him on 4/29 to show him. Please pray that all goes well with that. I already feel for him and what he is going thru. If all goes well we are going to visit him for the first time next friday. If anyone has been thru this and could give us any advice we would grealty appreciate it, especially on the first meeting. My husband and are have so many emotions right now and we have no idea what to expect.
Again, thank you all for your support.
God Bless!