Hello everyone!
If you are the new foster parent of a RAD child, you are probably pretty desparate and feeling a ton of emotions that are not too pretty. It's ok, ditch the guilt and hang in there! Something to help out (it is such a God send) is this book I gotta tell you about, if you do not know it already!
It probably has been recommended b/4, but I gotta say it again, if you have a foster child that has been diagnosised with RAD (reactive attachement disorder) or you THINK your foster child may have this, you gotta read this book:
By Nancy L. Thomas
ISBN # 0-9703525-0-6
$12.99 soft cover
When I first hit the boards last year, with an 8 year foster son who was driving me batty, several women suggested this book (and gave me some key pointers too).
I wrote down the title, thinking "Yeah, I will give it a shot. First, I have all these other books to read..."
STOP RIGHT THERE! Don't be foolish and think the same thing! This book is AWESOME! I have learned so much! If only I had gotten off my fat rear-end and read it when it was first recommended to me, I would have saved myself alot of time and grief!
It is not a big book. It is written with the struggling parent in mind (so there is not alot of 'medical degree words and therories' to cloud your already hurting head!)
Yet, the information is so 'heedy', so mind blowing, that I was only able to read like two pages at a time, set the book down, and let all that much needed information sink down into my soul!
Nancy L. Thomas also has a website:
and she offers seminars. If it is anything like this small, purple, no thrills book, it is worth a look at!
PS - is this easy to do? Is there guarenteed results? To each his own. I found most of the things she suggested very do-able (and I was desparate enough to try anything!)
I can't say I was a success with the 8 year old, but implementing the steps with the 4 and the 2 year old greatly improved the bonding and help modify the behaviors. I will definately do these steps again with other foster children down the road.