How many of your drug-exposed newborns end up back in the hospital the first week or so?
I'm just wondering because we've had 3 drug-exposed newborns and all 3 ended up in the hospital within the first 2 weeks. 1 had convulsions on her 6th day, 1 had e-coli infection from birth and collapsed lung (early marker for sickle cell disease) and now we have an 11 day old who has been in for 4 days with chlamydial pneumonia from birth. OOOOH, it's so stressful!! and we wondered if anyone else out there has had similar experiences. RM
Wow! You poor dear! My heart goes out to you!! You are such a great mother to these kids!!!
I have not been there, but you sure have my respect!
I don't have an answer to your post, but want to encourage you to keep up w/ God's good work. We fostered a baby with severe asthma, Rsv. respitory problems etcc.. and only had to deal with 3 days in the hospital, and I was a wreck! Now the child is over that condition and is well. I guess I said all that to say you are to be applauded for what you are doing! You have a calling to put up with that type of stress!
Sorry I cant help with your post.
I have had one baby that was definately drug exposed and another one who they did not drug screen (NICE!!!) but who was probably drug exposed. Neither of them have been back in the hospital but both deal with delays and many health problems.
Bless you for your heart and for caring for your babies through it all!
Wow!! Yes, that would be stressful. To have any child in the hospital is stressful, but 3 newborns in a row!! We have been fostering newborns for almost 2 years now and had 3 drug exposed babys and all but one could you even tell that she was suffering from some withdrawal symptoms. All the others have been perfectly fine. Now, they all had some minor things such as stiffness in arms or legs alittle bit of developmental delays but for the most part they have been great!! The baby we have now is a perfectly healthy baby boy and I just made the comment to my husband that you really can tell a big difference in drugs vs. no drugs infants. But nothing overwhelming!!!! Well, keep pressing on, I am sure my turn is coming!!!!
We currently have meth exposed baby who we got at 2 days old. At 2 months he got rsv, hospitalized for 5 days. 2 months later he developed severe asthma or so they call it. This year in Jan we spent 5 days in hospital, had tubes put in ears at end of Jan, then 7 days in hospital in Feb, and 2 days in hospital in Mar. Was sent to specialist for lungs after last hospitalization and now have so called asthma under control. Believe me when I say I understand the stress of hospital stays. The bright spot in all of this is he is 21 months, developmentally on target in fact a little ahead, bios signed surrenders May 2 and we should be going to court in the month of Aug for finalization of adoption.
Anyway, don't know if his medical problems are typical or not. That's just been our luck with him. As one of the other above posters said, you can definatly tell the difference between a drug exposed baby and one that's not. Our other current foster son wasn't exposed and he is 6 months younger so we have been able to really compare the two in alot of ways. We also got him at 2 days old.
Sorry my post is so long. I'm new to posting and tend to be long winded.
I have a 10 wk old, who was prenatally drug exposed and also has FAS. We have not yet made it to the hospital, but we have been to the doctors several times. We went to the doctors one morning and he gave me a bulb syringe, (just in case), told me that DEB tend to get really flemmy, and kind of strangle on the flem. Well that night I was at my nephews graduation, and he quit breathing on me. I got him to breath, but had to keep stimulate him to keep him doing it, I just happened to have that bulb syringe, I sucked him out, and he was fine. We have had several of these episodes, but nothing so bad I couldnt handle it. I am sorry you have to go through the stress. I am a new foster mom and just him doing this has given me many new grays in my hair. I also have his sister, who is 2, she has issues just as bad a he... good luck..