I really want to do Foster Care for young children or infants but I am a single mother of two (13 and 18 years old) and due to financial constraints I have to work. I was wondering do any of you do Foster Care and work either by yourself or with your partner? Do you think I could possibly make this work?
Thanks so much :)
I, too, am a single foster mom (no bio children). I work full-time and my FD is in daycare during the day. It has been a wonderful experience for me. Good luck.
Hello..I am a single parent household and I work full time also. I worked when I first got my boys and than took some time off to be a SAHM to help them catch up. My boys had lots of needs and I was lucky engouh to be able to stay home and help them. Now that we have been together for almost 4 months I went back to work. I work 40 hrs a week and they go to daycare while I am at work....its hard but it can be done :D
Thanks so much for the replys. I really want to do this and have spent many nights thinking about this, I just hope it will all work out.
I'm a single working foster mom as well. I work in the schools, however, so I luckily have the same vacations and days off as my fkids - let alone summers off!!! (I afford that by saving my tax refund for us to live off in the summertime)
I will say, however, that daycare bills really add up fast! And many counties/states do NOT reimburse for daycare for fkids. And the daily rate will ) typically not be enough to cover what you're paying for a day of daycare.
For instance: the daily rate for 0-5 here is $21 something. But 8 hours of daycare @ $3/hr is $24 - so it's costing you $3 for daycare and you haven't bought food or clothes yet.
So if you can afford it, great. Also there seems to be an attitude amongst some SWs that SAHFMs (stay at home foster moms) are a better placement anyways.
You also need to have a plan/answer to how you can get time off for: dentist, dr., PT, OT, speech, bparent visitation, school activities, parent meetings/appts., etc. Do you have a support system in place to give you breaks as well as help you out when you can't get off work?
Not trying to be a downer, just some things for you to think about.
I've been a single fparent for over 10 years. Adoptive parent for 4 years. It's a struggle sometimes, but I'd never give it up!
Just be prepared to answer any possible ?s the SWs may have. Good luck!
Thanks so much, I do have a great support system which is really helpful and I will definately think about all those questions and everything, Thanks again, Kelsey