hi i've been fostering alittle boy for 10 monthswe he came to us he was 12m.hes had only 2visits from his grandparents and 1 from his 10m. later they are terminating the bio parents rights and changing his goal toadoption. we were told we would be adoptinghim, then got a call that he would be leavingin a week to live with his grand parents.we are jusdt dying for him. he has no idea whoany of them are any more, and is very attachedto us.we just can't believe they're sending himhome.
I SO understand what you're going through! We have a little guy we've had since birth and he's almost 18 months old now. We are in the process of adopting his 2 1/2 year old sister, whom parental rights were terminated on, BUT social services (in their infinite wisdom) has decided to send the baby back to the birthmom. He and his sister are extremely bonded. Neither of them will ever understand this. He is supposed to leave us next month. We are heartbroken, confused and angry beyond words. We signed up for this to help some children and, instead, they have made us party to hurting them and we deeply resent that. I feel like I am guilty of abusing these two by allowing them to think they were home and would be together forever.......... :(
I do believe in miracles though and I will be praying for one for each of us. Please keep us posted.
well my sweet baby will be definately be leaving tuesday.i can't understand how thee office believes the grandparentsthey have lied for 10 months for their daughter(bio mom)and now they say if she comes around they will have her the babys hearing yesterday they set a trial date for try to fight the well being of him.since hes an out of state child they are sending him home,with custody in our state(ma.)they also said that if anything was to happen at his grandparents(with mom coming there) they would send him back.but other people in the office said that they wouldn't send him back that he would stay in that state.i can't get any good answers from anyone.we are going to miss our little guy. it makes it even harder b/c we know we will never be able to see him again.i'm haveing a hard time trying to pack him, i bought so much for him that i don't know what to send back with him.i really don't want to send every thing b/c i made need some things for later placements.its killing me to pack him.thank you everyone for praying for us.and giving me a place to vent
I am so sorry. As long as he is still with you, there's always a chance though, even if it's remote. As far as what to send with him, that's a tough one. I typically send everything that I bought specifically for that child. It makes me feel better to send them with as much as I can and I just start over again with the next one. I don't send things like the crib and crib sheets and such, but if it's a swing or bouncy seat or something they particularly liked, I might. All of their toys and clothing I send though.
The bottom line (and I keep telling myself this as well) is that if it's meant to be, it won't go any other way. Even if your little guy goes to the grandparents, in spite of what any worker tells you, if he's meant to return, he will.
Let us know how it goes. I'll be praying for you.