I've been married to my husband for almost a year. We have been together for over 3. His ex wife has never liked me.
Mt step children and I get along for the most part. I am very close to the two middle children. The oldest girl tells me that she hates her mom and does not want to go back home when our weekend is over. She has told me that her mother and mother's new bf use drugs and that she has found bags (zip lock bags) in her room and lots of money.
Anyhow----We had the children for the month of July and all was well until My husband's ex wife, Beatrice, calls and wants me to get off of work early to meet her so I can drop off the children. When I told her "no" she got up set and cussed me out and hung up. Well, she never came to pick up the children when she was supposed to (07/31). I even sent her a certified letter letting her know that we had moved and giving her our new numbers a week before she was supposed to get the children.
My husband and I called the police to file a report because she thinks that she can call my work place and leave me threatening messages and talking to my supervisor and try to get me fired. When we talked to the police on 07/31 my step daughter told the officer that her mother abuses her and using drugs and sells them. The officer called a crisis counselor who turned around and called CPS who turned around and opened an investigation on her...
Yesterday, 08/03, I get a call from a clerk who works in the family court. He tells me that Beatrice is in his office saying that we will not give the children back to her (I can hear her crying and carring on). I told the clerk that she is lying and gave him the police report numbers and CPS report number. I get into an arrgument with him because he is saying that Beatrice did not get my letter, which is a lie because I have the ticket showing that she signed for it...Long story short....My husband finally talked ot her after 3 years of silence..she cried to him saying that I was coming between them and that the kids hate me and that I was the cause for all of this.
I DO NOT know what to do anymore. I have tried to be nice to her and talk like adults for the kids. My step daughter DOES NOT like her and refuses to go back. We do not want to let her go back, but she keeps on harrassing me at work. I have tried to ge the Police involved but they act like they can not do anything. i have changed my cell phone number 3 times and still she gets it...I am at my wits end and fear for myself and two other children. What can I do?????
Hi -
My advice is to call a reputable family law attorney IMMEDIATELY! Where are you located? Most states have a state bar referral number that can immediately locate someone for you. If you need more help, PM me and I'll see if I can do anything for you.
Take care and good luck!
Go to family court and petition for custody or if your husband pays support, have him petition the court for custody. Also you can call a social worker...check in the phone book, usually social workers help. Good Luck...Heather
Christine is 100% right. Your husband needs to be dealing with all of this instead of you. The court is going to want to see that he is acting like the parent and taking care of the situation. Not you. In reality you are nobody to these children in the eyes of the law. If the court sees you taking care of everything they are going to wonder if this is really his idea and if he has the strength to be the custodial parent.
I know that sometimes exes can't talk without fighting. That might be how you were put in charge of this in the first place. If that is the case then hire a lawyer or paralegal or mediator who will handle all communication with her about custody issues. Someone who can deal with the facts instead of the emotion.
i totally agree...your husband should be dealing with this.
he needs to be talking to her,not you. somehow they put you in the middle, and thats not cool. maybe the kids put you there...i dont know.
what did the investagation tell....
if she keeps calling you...i would say "well, you need to talk to my husband about that"....keep saying it and saying it...she will get he message.
if you ever have to go to court..the judge wont really hear you, if he does, he might even scold you for getting involved over their issue.
he needs to step up to the plate to protect his kids.