I am trying to adopt my 4-year-old stepson and the BF is not consenting. He and my wife were never married and my wife had to make a run for it when she got pregnant. In MI, grounds for termination require a two year period with no contact and no "regular and substantial support". We've got the no contact thing down cold. HOWEVER, over the last two years he has paid SOME support. It hasn't been regular and most of it was a bond he paid to get out of jail (he was in jail for not paying support).My question is this: What is considered "Regular and Substantial" support?Our lawyer dodges the question everytime. I'm not looking for a legal definition... because there isn't one. What I'm looking for is anyone with previous experience that can tell me what has happened in similar cases. Is 20% of the court ordered payment considered substantial? 50%? 85%? Any information would be very helpful. Our hearing date is still several weeks away and we just want SOME idea of what to expect. Any good news will help us get through the next few weeks.Thanks.