Hi. I joined this site in hopes to get some help on finishing a step parent adoption minus my extremely expensive laywer!
The paperwork is done (just needs to be filed) and a hearing be set, which to my knowledge should be almost immediate after all the previous steps have been taken...and she wants 3900.00 to finish the work!
I am unable to fork over any more money and I have to finish this alone.
Can anyone help me with information on how to do this?
Please let me know!!!! Thanks
Post this questio on your local board and see if you can get a referral to an attorney who's not interested in gouging. The sork you have remaining should be ABSOLUTELY no more than $500! If you still want to do it on your own, the folks that post there may be able to help.
I need to ask you a very, well, it's a selfish question. Is there a way you can email me blank copies of your forms? I'm asking because my husband and I have no money for lawyers and no one (social services, legal aide, judges, lawyers, courthouse, I've even looked online with no results) will tell me what the forms are or help me find them. My ex is willing to relinquish his rights but we can't afford attorney fees. Or, maybe you could simply tell me the names of the forms and I can look the names of them up. That would be a tremendous help to me since I don't know the names of the forms.
God Bless you