This is probably more a vent than anything else but here goes. My FS (4) has been in preschool (state sponsered) for 3 week and has gotten sent home 4 times aready and I think they are thinking about calling me back to come and get him today. He made it through the first week fine. The second week, he hit his teacher. OK, I used to be a preschool teacher too, and I would have sent him home. Second time, he threw a temper tantrum and was disruptive. Third time, he ripped his sock and the forth time, he was scratching his eye really hard and they thought he would do harm.
Now today, I get a call that he is scratching his arms and making them all white, (he's biracial). So the nurse just called me and asked if I thought anything might be upsetting him---duh, he gets in trouble at school everyday for goofy things, that may be upsetting!!!
He's been in time out at least 2 times a day everyday. Usually it's for making a face at someone or for not sleeping at nap time.
It was all I could do to get him there this morning, I woke with a very high fever (102.6) and the school is 20 minutes away, I do not want to go get him already (he's been there 2 hours).
He's off all next week so I'm going to wait until the following week and ask to see the director. It just seems that he is behaving like a 4 year old and they don't know what to do. I'm afaid I'm going to have to become their worst nightmare--a highly educated (masters in special Ed.) Mommy who cares and has time to cause a stink.
Get him an IEP based on his behaviors. My dd had one and was labeled developmentally delayed based on lack of social skills. Sounds like a lot of the behaviors that your dfs has. Once the IEP is laid out, the team will develop a plan for his success in school. If that means time IN instead of time out, or sitting at the teacher's table for lunch, or whatever your child needs so that he's in school and not being sent home. It's a shame that the school isn't helping him more. The only time a child should be sent home from school in preschool is if there's a safety issue, imo. Teachers being hit, send him home. Not taking a nap.... :eek: :rolleyes:
Making a face? Not sleeping? Are they serious?!? I'd be furious too! The trouble is once they may see him as trouble/disruptive they'll always horn in on that behavior and things might not get better if he's labeled like that. Bet you've never been more glad to be so educated in this area!