Today we finally made it to court. The ex was there and the judge appointed him an attorney. We have filed on grounds of abandonment its been 5 years no contact no support and my husband is attempting to adopt my 11 year old daughter. The probation report recommended in favor of the adoption. According to my attorney the judge usually agrees with what the probation officier recommends. But I'm starting to get a little worried.
Since the ex is contesting does that change our outlook?
That depends did he contest while handing over a check that brings him current on all child support arrearages?
Has he been incapacitated in a way that makes him unable to follow the custody order (essentially making visitation impossible for him)? Or did he just not visit because he didn֒t want to?
If he has just blown off visitation because he couldnt be bothered or didnҒt want to visit then I doubt there will be an issue. But if he has had a valid reason why he hasn֒t been able to visit then yes, it could be an issue.
Good luck!
No...he in no way addressed the arrears and stopped visiting just because. There was no medical reason or circumstances that prevented him from seeing our daughter. We are so anxious to get this behind us one way or another.