Has anyone experienced adopting siblings separately and receiving subsidy for both? We adopted our son last July. Then in September he had a sister born who is now our foster daughter. Though our son didn't qualify for subsidy when we adopted, would adopting his sibling now qualify us to go back and request this? Ultimately we have a sibling group, though adopted at different times, it is still the same in our minds.
We are trying every avenue we can right now to afford taking on an additional child (she would be #4) but the max subsidy for her special needs (cystic fibrosis) is not enough to meet her monthly expenses such as daycare, etc. She doesn't qualify for SSI because of our income and because she qualifies for the max adoption subsidy.
Sorry for the long post but we are being held to the fire to give them an answer with termination of rights happening in 2 weeks. We have exhausted every other avenue!
I am under the impression that the stipend is only for the second one - but I don't know that for sure. What is your CW and/or SW saying? They should have a good idea as to what you are eligible for and how to apply for everything you are entitled to for a new special needs daughter.
The last time you asked the same question someone stated what you should be able to receive and asked if you had talked to Social Security. Have you talked to them?
Isn't Medicaid paying for all of her medical expenses?
If you can't get adoption assistance for daycare, with four kids you might be eligible for state day care assistance, it's been a while since I checked out the standards though so I don't remember want the base standard is. Sometimes day cares are willing to work with families and give discounts for additional children and/or children with special needs.
The worker doesn't think we can go back and ask for it now but it is hard to know if she knows for sure since she usually just assumes.
She will continue to receive Medicaid. If she qualifies for the adoption subsidy, she doesn't get social security. Either way, for SSI, etc we make too much in their minds. Problem is our money is tied up and we don't really make as much as they think.
Daycare will give a $5 discount on the additional child. We make too much to qualify for state assistance with daycare, again, same problem.... they don't look at debt to income ratio, just gross.
You can't go back now. The stipend is to place siblings together. When he was placed, it wasn't to place siblings together, so you won't be able to go back. The new child WILL qualify to facilitate the placement with a sibling.
I'll be interested to know for sure, as well. We were placed with our son's brother in December. Our son did qualify for subsidy. His brother would not (he would likely be under the age of 2 when adopted, if that does become the goal) unless it counts that he was placed with a sibling. We will be happy to adopt him either way, but I sure do like knowing that college is paid for by the state!
I asked my agency about this yesterday, apparently Lil Singer's bio mom is pregnant again.
Li'l Singer didn't qualify because she was under six (because she is white, any other race it is under two - or at least that is what I was told). She did get to keep Medicaid, but that was the only thing I asked for. I was told that if new sibling comes into care new one would automatically qualify, because of being a sibling. Evenso most likely new one will be half Hispanic if bio mom's FB ramblings can be believed. Which would make new one a half sibling.