My 6 yr old seems to have a habit of looking at others' genital region (when fully clothed)... she confided to me that she does this all the time and that she can sometimes see other kids' underwear. Is this normal for a 6yr old or is this something to be concerned about?
If she's been sexually abused or witnessed sexual acts etc., to her it's likely normal. Meaning, it might be "normal" for your fdaughter, because that's what she's been taught or has seen.
While there is always a natural curiosity with the body, in general, another child is not going to be actively looking at other children's private areas. Maybe at 13, but not at 6 years of age.
Either way, I would have a privacy discussion with her and also make sure she understands the boundaries etc. Never a wrong time to have this discussion in my mind. Kids need to know this regardless of their histories.
Does this mean she was sexully abused? Could be, but I have had children that were never sexually abused, including some of my nephews, and are very intrigued by private parts. Why??? Becouse they are private parts. Everybody makes big deal with private parts and we tell our chilren they are private, sooo curiouse minds want to know why.
If she has therapy, here any child over the age 4 that is in foster home will have therapy, I would mention the therapist. I would also keep my eyes open. But dont assume automatically they have been sexually abused.
Oh and forgot to mention. I would also have a chat with her about good touch and bad touch. What private parts are and why we dont touch other people privates.
Thanks all... we (her therapy team and my DH and I) are very concerned there has been some sort of sexual abuse.
She drew a picture of her family with her dad having a full aroused penis three weeks ago. She also drew the vaginas on the females.
Two weeks ago, she was humping my dog laughing expecting us to laugh. She is FASCINATED with her private regions and seems to be playing with herself frequently. When she sits in a chair, she spreads her legs so that her private area is almost on display. (Her way of sitting is just weird!)
The longer she's here the more and more I think something has gone on... I tend to lean towards seeing porn or even worse (for her age) seeing the actual act. There was a naked woman lying on the floor when they were taken from the home so I'm apt to think there were no privacy boundaries.
She hasn't done any inappropriate touching (yet). I just don't know how much of it is normal six yr old interesting in her body and how much is abnormal. ???
Two weeks ago, she was humping my dog laughing expecting us to laugh. She is FASCINATED with her private regions and seems to be playing with herself frequently. When she sits in a chair, she spreads her legs so that her private area is almost on display. (Her way of sitting is just weird!)
These are definitely warning signs of sexual abuse. I would talk to her CW and have an evaluation done so you can find out the extent and start the healing process. It's hard, but better to start now rather than wait.
Iowa isnt it sad when we hear these kids story. My 4yr old foster daughter was made to watch porn. We do not know if she was sexually abused. Her older sister, 7 yrs old, was sexually abused. She had an std. She has told people about the abuse and she sexually act out. She says that her little sisters were not sexually abused, but they did watch it happen to her. My fd is very very private. She does not change infront of others. She will not let any man hold her, she has let my hubby hold her lately. She is in therapy and I hope that someday she will trust us enough to talk of her past. Good luck
Our girls were six and three when we got them. The three year old (turned four today) told me that her sister was touching her private part while they were in bed at night. We then put them in separte bedrooms. Reading what you had wrote I just wanted to make you aware that you might need to make sure that nothing is happening to the three year old if they sleep in the same room at night. I also try not to leave them alone with eachother for more than a couple of minutes. From something they told me I think they may have been forced to touch each other in front of others.
you might need to make sure that nothing is happening to the three year old if they sleep in the same room at night.
Thanks for the advice. :-) I actually did separate them the 2nd night they were here. We had absolutely no history about them and from what I've read here, I thought it would be best. :-)
These are definitely warning signs of sexual abuse.
I've been concerned from about the 1st week in about her interest in her own body. I know 6 yr olds are sometimes very interested in their private areas, but her level of interest and the way she "presents" herself just gives me a bit of a creepy feeling.
A's older brother was also made to watch porn, and we weren't sure about A until he admitted to remembering seeing it. A lot of inappropriatness went on within their sibling group, none of them are placed together. But I think we're making progress because A seems to not be interested in inappropriate touch with other kids anymore... and he was for a long time.