So my caseworker is ignoring me since she is upset that my husband and I recently had a sibling group relocated due to out of control behavior. When they were placed with us we were told that they were basic level and had no issues. It quickly became clear that this was not true. I immediately had to deal with assaultive behavior both in my home as well as at school. I contacted the children's caseworker only to be ignored. After attempting to work something out with the school as far as a behavior plan and a means to keep the child from being kicked out of school, I contacted my caseworker to inform her of the ongoing issues. She simply stated that I should seek counseling. I found a therapist who after several visits advised that I have the children moved to a home with no other children, I have two children of my own. When I informed the caseworkers of this MY caseworker said that I was giving up on them and not willing to go the distance for these kids. ** Side note - the kids caseworker asked if I would adopt them three days into them being in my home, I said NO**. After my husband go frustrated with being strung along and my own children locking themselves away everyday to avoid the chaos, we asked them to be moved. Their caseworker had no issues with it but our own worker has resorted to ignoring us and not answering our calls, emails or text messages. I am looking into getting a new worker. We started this process to ultimately adopt but if our worker is not even willing to speak to us, I fear that she is not actively pursuing our requests for home study to be submitted for review on certain children.
Are you able to speak with her supervisor or go to your workers office? That might help. Good Luck.
Unfortunately we were informed this morning that they are no longer going to place children in our home. No other reason than the fact that we requested the children be moved. My husband and I are so upset, we have decided to try domestic and overseas agency adoption. CPS is obviously only wanting people who will tolerate what they throw at them with no regard for the families involved. My case worker simply sent me an email saying you will be not be getting any more placements, what do you want to do with your license? Oh well, we tried. Good luck to everyone else.
You said you were a FF under CPS? If I were your family, I would start looking for a private agency anyways. Texas is changing the foster system this year each region at a time for the old system with CPS and Private Agenices to only Private Agencies. CPS will no longer have a foster program. I live in region 9 where the new system rolled out first in Sept of last year. It's already changed in a few other regions as well. It doesn't sound worth it for your family either way to continue with CPS. You could go with. Private Agency that does both fostering and adoption(domestic/international)? Our agency only provides for adoption via foster children, which is our main goal, but I know there are some with multiple options like Buckner/Dillion (sp?). You also ought to look into filing some sort of report against your caseworker. This person completely disregarded their job to you and the children in your care. Her behavior and the CPS office if they were following her, need to be reprimanded for being unprofessional. But I still suggest a PA, it's a dead end with CPS anyway.
I would look for an agency that only takes basic kids. Our agency just takes basic and moderate kids, and issues that go beyond that are assessed and kids are moved. It stinks to move kids, but sometimes it is better for everyone, including the kids.
Good luck on your journey.
So my husband and I have talked and after the emotional wave came and went, we both realized that we both are still very much wanting to adopt. Our ultimate goal through foster care was to both provide a loving environment for children in care as well as adopting. We have been looking into several agencies and have narrowed it down to three. I am making calls to find out about the transition process and to get a feel for the support services they offer to their families (something we did not get from CPS). I am ready to move on from this experience and do what our family has intended from the beginning. My one regret is that my children had to be emotionally hurt by this. It is not often that bio kids are on board from the start and look forward to new, unrelated siblings, so when this fell apart my kids were crushed. I have not told them that we are looking into agencies just yet because I want everything to line up before letting them get worked up again.
Thank you all for the advice and I will definitely keep you updated as things roll along.
We are in region 7. I don't know if this is allowed to be posted but I have made contact with Caring Family Network. I read through their site and the parent site DePelchin and I liked what I saw. Nothing concrete yet, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciate via PM.
We are in region 7. I don't know if this is allowed to be posted but I have made contact with Caring Family Network. I read through their site and the parent site DePelchin and I liked what I saw. Nothing concrete yet, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciate via PM.