I saw really good advice on the forums that one foster parent does not take anyone that she could not have given birth to. If you go by that, You probably should not take anyone older that 10. If you decide to take pregnant teens, just know that they may consider you more of a friend. Also, br ready to transport to alot of dr visits.
My hubby is 27 and I'm 26 we said we would only take foster kids that are under age of 10. Our first placement was for a 17yr.old girl. She was only with us 2 weeks and it went fine. But we just recently had to move a 14yr old from our home because she wouldn't respect us along with other issues. We had her for almost 8 months. She thought of us as friends and not authority. I guess what I'm trying to say is watch out with the teens and the age you are. Be strong and let them know from the begging how things are. Just be sure they know your the PARENT figure for them, but also be there as a friend. With my experience, I think we will wait until we are older to deal with teens. But they can be rewarding.