Hello everyone! I've been away for awhile because all has been going well. I brought A home On June 28, at seven days old. BMom is working her case plan and doing everything she is supposed to and will be "graduating" to unsupervised visits at the end of this month. I'm soooo sad...of course I've grown quite attached to A.
Two questions:
1. How quickly after unsupervised visits begin does reunification happen?
2. When biomom has A for the day, am I required to send my car seat, wipes, diapers, bottles, etc or is she supposed to provide those things? I would think if she wants her back then she should be stocking up on those things anyway. If A were an older child, I know I wouldn't be packing a sack lunch.
A's "permanancy hearing" isn't scheduled until February, but I really have no idea what this means for us. I am a first timer! Will A be with me until then? What happens at the permancy hearing?
Thanks! Everyone on this board has been a lifesaver and a great resource for me!
as to how quickly after it is been my experiance they set a date and if everything goes well, they have a hearing and that date is solidified. but, i have also seen it left up to discretion of case workers, partial compliance, lawyers etc...
In my experiance, she should provide all of this. I have always told the mom for the first few times I am going to help (Just so the visit goes smooth for the baby, I don't want the first visit to be stressed while B. mom trys and gets these things together: although she should have them already. I have learned sometimes the b. parents are someitmes like us and not prepared for lack of info. Then I have found some expect you to provide!!!!) After the first visit or two I tell the B. mom She is going to have to next week be in total charge of everything.
As far as hearings, see caseworker. Dates can be moved up if case plan is going well. Never set hope on a date. I have had court dates that have extended and some taken away from time we fostered children.
Sorry not much good info. A lot depends on the the State you foster in and agencies.