And as of late, I am pretty tired of being pregnant and a single parent. I am now 30 weeks pregnant -- my children are ages 2, 5 and 11 and whenever we are out and about (not that I am insecure) but SOME PEOPLE and their comments are so intrusive. I am just ready for someone to pull out a tranquilizer gun filled with Norplant and chase me down.I just wanted to vent. The leg cramps. The hunger pangs at 3 a.m. Not to mention I am no longer a size 6. This is the LAST TIME I do this. I have heard some women either love being pregnant or absolutely LOATHE it. I am one of them that loathes it. I am really sick of it. Emotionally I am not doing well. And I ask myself everyday WHEN WILL THIS MADNESS END. I know I know - most likely in 10 weeks.
I agree, leeabc. Morning sickness can be the worst!!!! I had morning sickness BAD in my first trimester but the worst adjustment was accepting the fact that I would fall asleep sitting. I was SO EXHAUSTED in the afternoons...even when I remembered my staying up late (until 2 a.m.ish) and going to work at 6 a.m. (in my 20s) -- nothing compared to the FATIGUE of being in your first trimester.Please tell me you are getting some rest. Being your hormones are getting adjusted to be raging for the next six months :p, do you have a more keen awareness with your sense of smell?? Suddenly anything smelling like peaches would send me reeling. And now, I cannot resist the temptation of ham. Go figure. I could eat ham all day long.
It is hard to get good rest during the day when chasing after two toddlers! I tyry to nap when they do and take advantage when dp is home to go to bed earlier.
All of senses seem to be crazy. I watch food commercials on tv and get sick cause almost everything looks gross. We used to do rotisserie chicken twice a month at home, tried it once. And the smell almost killed me. I told dp no more rotisserie!
I had one day where all I ate were cheese sandwiches with mayo, and I hate mayo!
Oh my goodness, I have to laugh at you all. I'm 39 and have four kids from a previous marriage and am in the process of scheduling a tubal reversal so I can have a child with my sweet husband. I remember drinking V8 juice like crazy during my previous pregnancies. BLECH!! The thought of it makes me throw up a little. And the HUGE varicose vein in an incredibly uncomfortable spot?!? YOUCH But today I can't wait to be pregnant again. Good luck to all of really will go by quickly.
[[gag]] mayo is gross. V8 is gross. Ishy ka-ka.Hormonally, I would have to say this by far is the HARDEST pregnancy I have had. I believe it is due to the sex of the child. With my two sons, yeah I was moody here and there...but it didn't stop me from seizing the day, making every moment count and all of that--but now, I just say BLEH.It is such a manic daily rollercoaster -- one moment I am in tears, the next I am thinking about DECORATING THE NURSERY IMMEDIATELY NOW GO GO(!), the next moment I am sleeping, the next moment I am crying over pink polar fleece and the pattern I bought for the baby because I am making her a little snowsuit thing being infants born in the winter need a snowsuit that actually fits. The smallest I have found is 6 mos. The preemie ones or the newborn ones...just plain U-G-L-Y. I talked to my doctor last Friday because everytime I see him, he says, "How are you?" And I just start crying. It is so silly actually. I have a great day or a bad day, no matter what: If I go to the doctor and he asks me that, then I just cry. I don't know why outside of the hormonal upheaval going on. I need normal to return. ;)
When I was pregnant with my 1st, eons ago.. I worked at Dayton's up in Minneapolis. A gal that I worked with ,whose daughter was involved in a study at one of the universities, told me about various remedies that they were testing for morning sickness.
One of those happened to be FRESH Pineapple. Not canned, but fresh. I thought that the acidity would just make it worse but much to my surprize it helped tremendously!
It has something to do with the enzymes in the pineapple that react with the stomach juices, that help alleviate the nausea.
Everyone that I have told to use it, swears by it. If you try it, let me know if it works for you!
My oldest is just about 12. Doesn't it seem like yesterday????? It does to me. A democrat was president, I was in college and GOSH DARN IT gas was 1.09 a gallon. I think pregnancy is so dreadfully LONG...but then once you hit your 30-something weeks -- then it flies by. I know the holidays will be here before I know it and then I better have EVERYTHING TOGETHER because once it is New Year's it could be ANY DAY. :eek: Byerly's is just like Kowalski's, isn't it? I about fell off my horse when they had 12 pks of pop for 4.25. What, is their pop touched by royalty or something?
not cool. I sympathize with pregnant elephants everywhere, and I would like to thank God for making me human. By the time she hits her 7th trimester, that is one b*tchy elephant. I don't even want to imagine the water retention or feeling the baby kick. As long as the baby is healthy -- yet under 10 lbs., it is not turkey size, and I will be happy with that!
My oldest is just about 12.
Doesn't it seem like yesterday????? It does to me. A democrat was president, I was in college and GOSH DARN IT gas was 1.09 a gallon.
I think pregnancy is so dreadfully LONG...but then once you hit your 30-something weeks -- then it flies by. I know the holidays will be here before I know it and then I better have EVERYTHING TOGETHER because once it is New Year's it could be ANY DAY. :eek:
Byerly's is just like Kowalski's, isn't it? I about fell off my horse when they had 12 pks of pop for 4.25. What, is their pop touched by royalty or something?
Funniest thing.. We carry our precious children in the womb for 9 months and we are so eager to be rid of our misery, esp in the latest months. We are never comfortable, always tired and exhausted, constantly complaining that we wish the baby would just come already.Then the moment hits.. we deliver our precious little one, bring them home and realize we still arent comfortable, we are still tired and exhausted and constantly complaining! LOL
Oh my gosh, I am so right there with you. I want to say, "I'm going to bed. Wake me up when the baby's due."The life-giving goddess glow lasted about a week and a half. Then the ever-constant peeing, the throwing up, the nausea, the fatigue, and oh yeah, THE STRETCH MARKS AT EIGHT FREAKING WEEKS, sorta kicked the fun out of this whole shebang. I understand how lucky I am to be pregnant and to get to be a mom. Just wish everything else didn't come with it.~Diamond~
Hang in there! Stretch marks at 8 weeks??? How lucky are YOU! :)
My mom and 2 sisters suffer(ed) with bad morning sickness: morning, noon and night, for the whole 9 months. Multiple hospitalizations for dehydration, feeling like crap because they couldn't eat or sleep, and all the other fun you are mentioning here. So I don't ever really get envious that I couldn't give birth to my own children. I just look at my sisters (1 sister's pregnant right now - SOOOOO miserable for her! - she's not allowed to drive anywhere, due to pregnancy seizures -and she has other kids) anyway, I just look at them, realize that that is how mine would probably go, and I am SO okay that I can't get/stay pregnant! Maybe my infertility is a blessing..... ??!! (I also used to work in labor and delivery, and while that is beautiful and amazing, I am okay to skip that step, too!) LOL!! :) I used to wonder why God didn't fix my infertility, after all the procedures I went through, it wouldn't be much of a stretch for Him... :) Then I finally had the thought, maybe God is doing me a favor! Maybe he is being merciful to me by having me miss this experience...
I still would love to give birth to a child, but since I can't, It helps to have that perspecitve!
And shoeshopping - I hear you. As a nurse, we hear lots of horror stories (somehow that is fun when you're at work on your lunch break - share all the interesting cases you know about...) I get worried, too. Just remember that the reason we hear all those stories is that they are the exception to the rule. Most babies are healthy and perfect -
Hang in there guys. You have my sympathy -
i see that this thread is pretty old but wanted to update it anyway as i am sure some moms who are in the same situation will read and benefit from it.So here it goes:
When you feel like you could use extra support before or after pregnancy,you can get help through the NFP[its a non-profit].FYI,NFP stands for nurses-family partnership and aims to help out first-time moms with whatever they need.So,you will be able to get advice on the type of diet you need to take and suggestions with other thing that your mind might dabbling with right now.And after pregnancy too,you can get help with child development or getting work etc,.hope that helped [URL=""]:) [/URL]