Originally Posted By sherylOur dossier has been sent to the Philippines and now we are in a waiting mode. We were told that it would take approximately 18 months for a referral. Sometimes that seems so long! There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wonder when we will get the call. I enjoy hearing and reading any information about the Philippines and other people's experiences, so I would love to have others share stories, words of wisdom, etc. Thanks!
Originally Posted By LindaHow exciting! Everytime the phone rings you will automaticall this is!What age child have you requested? The agency we used for our adoption in 1998 (referals then were taking 18 months) said that lately they have been recieving referals in about three months. Wow! I remember that while the wait for the referal seemed long it was nothing compared to the wait once you had a picture! It takes average of three months from acceptance of child to travel which isn't really that long but when you have the picture....
Originally Posted By SherylThanks for your response! We requested a boy as young as possible. We were told that usually the children are boys around 18-24 months old. We were also told that referrals take about 18 months, so that's different than the 3 months your agency said. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your agency time frame applies to us as well!
Originally Posted By SherylThat's wonderful! Our social worker just told us that there is an effort being made in the country to speed things up a bit. I guess the number of couples adopting from the Philippines has decreased due to the waiting times sometimes being longer than other countries. But yours went so fast - I'm hoping for the same results!