If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you may have known my b/mom back in '74, and the people she hung around and slept with. I don't know if this is going to work. . . Okay, here it goes, another shot at this.Anyone one out there live at Strathcona House in June of '74 in Edmonton?Anyone a Ward Aide in Calgary/Edmonton in '74Anyone live in Ponoka, Alberta in '73-74Or know of any MALES who lived around or at Strathcona House or 5016 48th Street in Lloydminster, Alberta in June of '74I was conceived around those 2 places in June of '74.Anyone date a dark haired, shoulder lengthed blue eyed, 5'2 " 17 yr. old girl who was from one of those 2 places in June of '74, and she was a Ward AideI don't want to give my b/mom's name for her privacy. :grr: :o Is this SOOO DUMB OF ME TO EVEN WRITE THIS THREAD?? IS THERE ANY HOPE AT ALL????