So now that we're out of PGN my friends are planning like crazy for the baby shower. I was wondering what kind of "games" people have played at their showers. Or if you even played games. I'm so excited! I'm trying to keep from going out and buying everything for our little one.
Baby Bingo is always good and fun! Or make it a themed shower, like a "Bed Time" Shower and have everyone bring something small that has to do with Bed Time. Or a "Bath Time" Shower and have everyone bring something for Bath time. Etc...
At my shower they wrapped about 15 different small baby items in heavy wrapping paper. They were numbered and you got to pass them around and you have to record what you thought the item was. It was fun and harder than you might expect. The great thing was I got to open them all and keep them in the lovely basket my friend made. It was fun and stocked me up on lots of baby necessities!
Ok, I hate to be the Grinch here, but does anyone else just HATE baby shower games? Let's get on with the presents and the cake! LOL!
Sorry....but I roll my eyes every time they break out that pretend diaper with the mustard stain inside it. Ugh!! Not just baby showers, but bridal, any!
Jen :rolleyes:
I'm with you Jen! At my cousin's bridal shower they played trivia about the couple and at a friend's baby shower they had us smelling diapers with different things in them. Torture!
Sorry guys, I'm with Jen and Kathy.... Besides, by the time you eat, visit, and open the gifts, two hours have passed. I went to a baby shower a couple of Saturdays ago. The shower started at 2 pm, and I had to leave at 4:45 to make dinner reservations. My friend was STILL opening gifts. She told me later that she started to give a big Thank You speech, looked around and only about 10 people were left!
Baby bingo is easy and does not stress many people out!
Also, I have played the one where you cannot say the name, or the word baby. Everyone is given a tiny blue or pink bottle tied on a string to wear when they walk in. Then you tell the guest that they cannot say your baby's name, or the word baby, but....if someone says it, who ever catches them say it, gets their necklave. So, if you keep catching someone, you will gain many necklaces..and win. You can get these little charms at ac moore or Michaels...maybe party city..
Good luck:)
I totally agree! I have a hard time with baby shower games but my friends are insisting on it. So no to be a total pain I thought I'd ask you guys for some ideas so I could make some suggestions. We'll see if I can keep them from making everyone sniff fake poo.:p
Funny the differing opinions on this...I actually told my best friend that I FORBID her to plan games for the baby shower/welcome home party for Addison. Everyone was soooo relieved!! We had enough fun, play time with baby, gifts, cake and goodies. People get bored and have to jet off and leave if you make the timeframe too long. My experience only....!! ;)
I FORBID her to plan games for the baby shower/welcome home party
Would you host my shower, please?? I am NOT a fan of baby shower games, either! But to each her own -- no slam against anyone who loves them!
However, I did attend a double shower recently for 2 ladies in our neighborhood, and here are the games we played:
1. 4-5 diapers, each filled with a crushed candy bar -- you had to guess which brand of candy (they used Snickers, Twix, Milky Way, 3 Muskateers, etc.). This was soooo nasty!
2. Several jars of baby food, labels removed. Guess what flavor. This was a coed shower, and the men ended up tasting the stuff. Bleck.
3. 20 small baby items were set out on a tray that was carried around the room for all to see, then covered up. Write down as many things as you can remember. I lost this one by 1 point!
4. Safety pins in a bowl of uncooked rice. The person pulls the pins out without looking; whoever gets the most pins wins. This one was kinda cool, because safety pins and uncooked rice feel the same! Who knew?
5. Come up with as many names as possible for the baby by just using the letters in the mom and dad's names.
A fun fast one is to bring out a doll and newborn diapers. Each person chooses a partner. Together, each using one hand (one left, one right) you must undiaper, wipe and rediaper the baby. The team with the fastest time wins. (a baby three-legged race of sorts.)
On the baby food, we did a variation: steam off the labels of 10 kinds. Number each jar and pass them around. You must guess based on what the jar LOOKS like, no tasting or smelling allowed.
I am usually not fond of games at showers either. TG that I've never experienced this diaper game people are writing about :) However, I have tolerated some games. I like the games that don't discriminate the younger or older women who are not around young children, ie. guess the prices of common baby items. How would one know what a package of diapers or a can of formula costs if you don't shop for it regularly?! At a recent wedding shower, each table had a list of trivia to complete - everything from current famous people to stain removal tips. The table with the most correct answers got prizes. It's a nice way to break the ice, especially if you don't know many people in attendance. enjoy your shower!
If you're looking for a unique and entertaining game for your baby shower, you might want to consider 'Guess How Many Jelly Beans'! It's a classic and always brings a lot of joy. The anticipation of trying to guess the correct number adds a playful element to the celebration. If you want more details and tips on how to organize this game, check out this article: It offers a guide on how to set up and run the 'Guess How Many Jelly Beans' baby shower game. Hope it adds to the fun of your upcoming celebration!