** called the BF from the hospital and told him to come get the baby when she got home from the hospital. He picked up his child and the ** said here he's yours i want nothing to do with him. BF's finacee has taken on the role from day one as MOM, which even included saving his life (child was very sick, gerds, breathholders and weak tranch etc.) BF and finacee have taken over everything including finaces, want nothing from **. However, she wants to sign over her rights and has from the start but the couple (me are not married yet). Can it be done even if they aren't married yet, they want it done sooner than later it's alreay been 17 months. Only one who can calm child durning an episode is the fiancee.
Another, one which is a question which state to file in since the child is now in FLorida was in WA.
Please get back to us asap, like we said want to get it done with.
Have also heard that fincee's name will be placed on birth certificate as the birth mother if done by the age of 3 years.
Step parent adoption requires marraige - and sometimes there is a minimum requirement of a year (some states, not all).
You would file in the state where you live - once the SPA is done, that state would then notify the birth state to amend the birth record...and yes, step parent adoption removes the mothers name and replaces it with the step parents name (who will then be the parent).
You need to be married in order to have a stepparent adoption done, and some states require that the couple me married for a certain amount of time( 1-2 years) before they will approve an adoption of any child.
You file in whatever state that the child resides in, or has been residing for at least the last 6 months. After you complete the adoption, you have to apply for an ammended birth certificate. That is when the origonal with the birth mother's name becomes a sealed document, and the new birth certificate has the adoptive parent's name in the MOTHER, or FATHER place. Adoption is a lengthly process, a commonly used phrase is "hurry up and wait" so doing this quickly is not really an option.
If the biological mother is willing to terminate her rights, just go ahead and have her do it. That way when the couple is ready to be married and have the adoption occur, you will already have the TPR in hand.
It only took a year for my DH to adopt my daughter. However the judge waived the homestudy, the 6month waitting period, etc. We are in Missouri. A friend of mine had her fiance adopt her child. He had been there since child was born and the bf signed over his rights and when the child was about three and half , the fiance adopted. They seperated before the adoption was complete, but seeing as he still wished to be this child's father, the mother still agreed, and he was the only father the child knew, the judge granted the adoption.