I'm just curious how many out there have fostered a teenage girl who was either pregnant or just gave birth and now you are fostering both her and the baby?
When my uncle/aunt were fostering they had a teen girl who had a baby while living w/them kept both for a while they called my mom once for a pregnant 13 year old but decided they didn't want her with my 19 year old brother. i hear of alot of teen moms & baby placements around here actually. (we're in PA). hope this helps
part of the reason my mom got into foster care was i had a 19 yr old friend when i was high school who was pregnant and had no where to go she stayed with us from when she was 7 mos pregnant til her son was 5 mos. We both enjoyed helping her with those first couple months. We just have to be careful taking teen girls with a 20 year old boy living here. We usually ask if we can meet them first then go from there.