Need information??? If I am a step-parent, living with and married to the biological father, in Washington state. And the mother has relinquished. Do I need a homestudy? Does anyone have information to share with me? Who I can contact, websites, etc? Thank you. Much Appreciated!
Try Child Welfare Adoption Branch of Washington on the google search engine and there should be a number listed there (look for title adoption specialist) and you can call that number and ask questions like that and they will tell you the laws for the state, please note that that doesnt mean that your particular case may the same for what the law is! Some Judges make you do them in certain cases if they think they need to for the childs best interest! (Like for example: Think may just want one to come to your house to see what the relationship is like between the child and your spouse and you!) My husband is adopting my 2 girls in KY and the father has abandoned them for the past yr with no contact and no support and they are going to terminate his rights in May and I dont have to have one.. hopefully you wont either, because they costs money and alot of time sometimes!Good Luck!Jac (Mother of 2)