My name is Jessica-Sidney Anne Wood. My name at birth was Jessica Anne Beauregard. I was born on July 10th, 1987 in St. Clares Hospital in Schenectady NY. I have blonde hair hazel eyes. I was 8lbs 8ozs and either 21 or 22 inches long. I believe that my Bmothers name is Faith Jerome (maiden name????) I know that when I was given up or taken away(I dont know which one) at nine months old , she had brown hair, brown eyes and weighed 200 lbs. I also know that my Bfathers name is Donald Beauregard. I believe he is in his forty's. I don't know his exact age. I know that there are six siblings, 3 full and 3 half, and I know that one of them died at the age of 2 while in a foster home due to many things being wrong with him. His name was Micheal. He lived in Troy NY at the time of his death. Other names that I know are, Donald jr. and Damiend (I don't know the spellings). I don't know the other names. I believe that they are all younger than me but I am not positive. I know that all of my half siblings are younger than me. If any of this sounds familiar, please either private message me or email me at Thank you in advance for all of your help.
While doing some searching, I came to find out that My BMother's name is Faith Clifford (Jerome is maiden name). I believe her to be in her late 30's early 40's. Also, I found out through Rensalear (don't know how to spell that) county DSS that aparently I was born in Troy NY...NOT in St Clares Hospital in Schenectady NY. Although, I don't understand why DSS would say that when the birth certificate that I have says that I was born in St Clares. Any reason why that would happen??? I have possible addresses on my birthparents (they are not together). I don't know how to write my letters to them though. I also found 15 people who are possibly related to my BFather. I don't know if I should write to any of them or not. I have ages for some of them. With the age range, I believe that some of them are his brothers and/or sisters. Others I believe them to be his mother and/or father and/or aunts and uncles. Not sure though. PLEASE HELP!!!!!