Hi there! I live in York County and am just starting the process to become a foster parent with the intent to adopt a 13 yo boy that is a friend of my sons. This boy lives in a neighboring county. ALthough his case is thru Chester County, Pa. I have been trying to get in touch with his Cw's this week but not doing a very good job of it.
I'm curious - the classes that it appears we need to take in order to be certified - do I have to take them in Chester COunty or will they allow us to go to ones in York? And does the case always stay thru chester county or do they move it to the county where u currently live?
When I first talked the very first day to the CW - she said to me "I don't know how your finances are but you could qualify for a stipend if you adopt him". FRom what I've been reading, I thought it didnt matter what your finances are. Our finances are fine but I want to be fully aware of what stipends are allowed and given. I know it will help down the road since he has been in a mexico orphanage 1st 7 years of life, the adopted and abandoned - the foster care and now a childrens group home. He is on 2 meds - one of depression the other for ADHD.
I know it varies by county and was wondering if anyone is living in either of these counties.
Thanks for all your help!
Hi I can't answer any of your questions but wanted to say I am from York County also!! We have been fostering for 1 year and took our classes from Children and Youth Services in York. I would think that since you are taking classes for this specific child and moving him to your county than you could take the classes in this county. Good luck!! I am so happy to see someone so close by!
We are not involved with any support groups but after we were liscensed did receive a roster with the names and addresses with all foster parents in the area. I believe that we had seven weeks of classes--the first two orientations and than five weeks of classes--once a week(on thurs.)for 2 hours. We took the classes in Feb. of 2005 and were liscensed in April. However, we did not receive our certificate stating that we were liscensed until July(figure that one out!) The process has been very long for us--we have been foster parents for a year and have fostered for a total of 14 days! We have five bio children--ages 14, 13, 11, 8, and 6. It seems like such a big waiting game but again--you are doing this for a specific child, you will have no wait. And by the way, good luck--this poor boy--seems like he has been through the wringer. What area of the county are you in? We live in New Freedom, which is near Shrewsbury.
We live in North York County - closer to Harrisburg than York.
I have 3 bio children - ages 13, 10 and 8 (the 2 youngest are girls). The boy we are looking into adopting just turned 13.
I am concerned about the time frame because our house is up for sale - looking to relocate back to Florida( we lived here for one year).
I just believe the house hasn't sold because God had this boy waiting for us and the timing will all work out. Although I keep fretting anyway, haha and question how long everything will take because we have had M stay in our home for 2 weekends and his hopes of becoming adopted by us our so high and I just hope it all works out with paperwork going thru quickly. But the more I read the more I see that it doesn't always happen that way.
Seeing that the classes takes weeks again makes me worry=) Sigh - need to take deep breathes! LOL
Another York County person here. WE just moved here and are licensing... also ICPC for a child from the state we moved from. I'm just clueless about it all. We will do foster care once we are licensed and I'm wondering where classes are for relicensing... I don't know if our license will start when we get it done here or if it's a continuation of the license from the state we were in (we transferred all our information and they were using our past recert classes for this license)... anyhow it's been a nice process so far but long... of course long.
Hello Everyone, I'm not sure if this is still an ongoing thread but I am excited to read it... We've been working on an international adoption that is going no-where. I was wondering where in York County you went to fill in all paperwork and register, etc. etc... Thanks for any help!!:hippie: