hello, i am located in the capital of texas and we would like to start the process of a step parent adoption between my husband of 10 years and my 12 year old. Don't have much money so we are looking to try this ourselves. I know the BF would relinquish rights, has said so in the past, even though he hasn't been in the picture since child was 11 months old. I have no idea where to find this particular document to have him sign. Does anyone have any ideas? Maybe you have one you can forward to me? Also just any info you can give would be of great help. Thanks for your help.
did you try going to you court house???? our court house here in florida, has a family division office where you can purchase packets for different things, then you fill out the papers and file them yourself. that's how my husband and i did our step parent adoption, was really easy, and ours has a "pro se" person that you can call and they will direction you in the steps you need to follow to file the paperwork, they can't give you advice, just tell you what you need to do in filing the papers.
Yes I have called the courthouse and the particular county I am in says that they don't have any paperwork. Really the first thing I am looking for is the paper that the relinquishment of rights paper. I would write something up myself but want to make sure that everything that needs to be in it,is there.