The bio parent is a threat and I know I was told before you could use a contact addresse but we are being told that our service will be thrown out if we dont use our addresse we asked for alternatives to keep our kids and family safe such as could they just black our addresse out on her copy, allow use to use a contact addresse etc and they said no if we wont use our addresse we cant proceed this women has made many threats, damaged property etc and is a threat is there any alternatives??
Hello, I know in my case the BF was a threat, I had 4 expired PFA's to prove it. I asked my attorney, "Does he need this information, as it's none of his business"? :such as my husbands income, our address, our references addresses and phone numbers, address, and phone number of my husbands employer. The adoption agency, who came to the house to make sure everything was in order, we asked them also because they had to file papers also even though the children are my biological children. Both the attorney and adoption agency agreed to keep those fields blank on his copies. When we had our first court appearance and the BF showed up to contest, my attorney asked the Judge to keep all of that information blank on the rescheduled court date papers. The Judge agreed and told the BF to stay away and not to contact or have a third party contact us until the next court date. I guess it would depend on your situation and what state you live in. I hope that helped you. Good luck.