I hate to even use the word steparent because we so consider him to already be the legal dad.:mad: I have searched and keep coming up empty handed. We are here in NC. Son was born in TX. Bio still resides there as far as I know but when I have tried to contact, they tell me I have the wrong # (I know its them, he is soooo behind on the child support he was ordered to pay 10 years ago, like 10 years behind, he hides). We were never married but I did put him on cert even though son has my name. He has not seen him since he was 3 months old, wanted nothing to do with us.:confused: My DH wants him to legally be his and my son (who has never asked anything) so wants to have his last name as well. We have been a family all this time. :) I cant find him to have him sign anything and if we did make a huge deal out of it he would probrably do something VERY nasty just for spite. No one at the courthouse will attempt to answer any ??, they tell me go get a lawyer (if we could afford it we would have already done this!). I hate to say it, he was NOT a nice man, a few arrests and a restraining order later-we left the state. So VERY happliy married now, our nuclear family is just awesome :):cheer: Im confused and we are just wanting to do the right thing and put this behind us. Does ANYONE have any insight on NC? Any words of wisdom? Please.:wings: Feel free to post, PM or email me. Thanks so much.
You need to have the bio served, if you are unable to do that than you request alternative service by publication through the court which just means you ask the judge to approve publication in a newspaper where you believe the bio resides, you wnat to make usre you do it right or he could get it thrown out You may be able to get the bio fathers addresse from the post office you will have to take a copy of your child support order if you have one an dlet them know its for the service of legal documents.
Thank you. I have contacted the post office, they have provided the same address that I am told he "does not live at". It is his family there, but they will cover for him. I definatly want to print a publication, any idea where I can get the proper wording? We do not have a family court in our area, we have to drive a ways and I've been looking on line, of course they won't answer my questions when I call. Can I just go ahead and do that part now? We are military and they will not help us unless we already know he will consent and will return the signed papers. It is a cruel world.
Well than you can have him served there and the judge will consider it service because the post office verified thats his addresse. if you serve by publication through a newspaper you have to get the judges permission first there would be a form to file requesting service through alternate means.
If you have an address for him, you will HAVE to have him served. Publishing a notice in the paper is used when the biological parent's whereabouts are unknown. If his family tells the person who attepts to serve the notice of petition of adoption, that he does not live there and they do not know where he is, THEN you can publish a notice in the paper.