Hello everyone! I must admit I am new to domestic adoption. My wife and I have an application on file for an international adoption out of Guatemala but have recently been approached by family members about the adoption of a family friend's child. The Cliff Note version of the story: 75 Grandmother is taking care (she has parental rights) of a 3,2, and 1 y/o because BP rights have been terminated by CPS (Texas). Grandmother is in the hospital and according to the doctor doesn't have much time. We are interested in adopting all three of these children. Does anyone know if it is possible to do an adoption if the grandmother voluntarily gives up parental rights and wants us to adopt her children? Has anyone done something like this? If so what was your experience, what is the process and estimate fee cost involved?
This is possible, it would fall under a private adoption. You will need to contact an attorney, each lawyer has their own fees some have a set price of an adoption, and others work off an hourly fee. But most lawyers will let you have a free session at first, so you can get an estimate from several different lawyers before you pick one. Make sure that you are comfprtable with the lawyer that you pick.