We had our home study last night, and the sw said that b/c we are going to be an emergancy home that the application will be pushed thru. She also stated that because the situation in Las Vegas is so bad, (shelter is overflowing by 50-75 kids) We would get a call for placement the same day we are licenced. What should I be gathering to meet their needs. Most of the placements will be infants and toddlers being discharged from the hospital. I have the basics food,formula, diapers etc. What advice can you pass along as far as dealling with the emotions that take place seeing such abuse. As well as any tricks to get daily life chores done with a house full of needy little ones?thanks in advance for the advice.
It sounds like you have the basic supplies for your first placement. It's hard to anticipate clothing, etc. with such a wide range of possible sizes - fortunately Walmart is open 24/7. While we've only had 2 placements, our 3 yo did go through some pretty scary stuff which, after 17 months, I still find difficult to process. I guess I try to focus on the small steps of improvement that he takes. When we first got M, I was determined to focus on loving him to pieces, which I still do, but I found it takes more than just love, definately requires a support system and this is a good place to get advice. As far as getting the chores done - ah, still working on that one. There are days when my dh gets home & nothing is done - I can't even start supper. The baby's been teething & only wants to be held, the boys won't nap at the same time, the 3 yo is having one tantrum after another & I've been lucky if I can go to the bathroom by myself. As a person whose house used to be clean most of the time, I still struggle with the current state of disarray. I do keep a supply of premade meals on hand (from one of the companies that you go to & make the meals) in the freezer - for those off nites. I prioritize the chores - i.e. getting the dog fur off the floor with a newly crawling baby is now number one. And I'm forever multi-tasking - while the kids are in the bathtub, I'm cleaning the bathroom sink. Congrats on almost being there. Pretty soon you'll be so busy with your new little ones that the chores won't seem so important.
:cheer: First of all - you are probably licensed by now so congrats!! I keep an "underbed bin" for each different size. Boy and girl clothes share the bin. Anything that does not fit in the bin goes with the child. That way I always have a "little bit" or starter kit for any size/age/sex child that may be placed. I also love to shop so I still get to do that for each placement. I also buy a "lovey" and let the child pick out A special toy to ease them into our home. They can sleep/talk/play etc with the "lovey" and if you just make yourself available to listen - you can hear what is bothering a child that is still to "new" to confide in you. I know - it's sneaky - but it works!!:grr: We plan that the most of the first check will go to clothes and shoes. We do not plan for any child to show up with ANYTHING that fits or is in decent shape or isn't buggy. The children from the hospital usually come with a few diapers, receiving blankets, and formula. WIC will take walk-ins. ALL foster children are eligible for WIC. It takes the strain off of the budget.