I'm young and unmarried and just kind of looking ahead and figuring out what I want to do in the future, but as far as I know I'd have no problems conceving and I intend to adopt, even though I'm open to the possiblities of pregnancy. I just love adoption and want it to be apart of my life. I was wondering if anyone here has actually adopted for the love of adoption and then had a pregnancy that wasn't highly unexpected because of medical problems? It just seems like it would be a whole different journey of emotions when you've struggled with infertility than when you've adopted without that issue in your life. I'm curious if anyone has any input.
I'm considering it, but not sure yet...we have 2 bio kids. I had no trouble conceiving and no complications and 2 healthy, great bio kids. So I don't think it would be a problem, but..
I wonder how this would affect my adopted son. I don't want him to feel like adoption wasn't good enough for us, so we decided to go back to biological...this does worry me a lot and I actually just posted asking for input on this very question..maybe it wouldn't be so good for him to be "sandwiched" between bio kids? Or maybe it woulnd't matter? Or maybe it would depend on how we present it and on his own personality? I just don't know!
I would really love to get to be pregnant one more time, but I need to seriously consider the above question first. So maybe we'll have another bio, or maybe adopt one more...or maybe stop at 3....not sure!!
2 bio kids (4 and 5 years old)
1 son adopted from Ethiopia (2 years old)