My husband and I are in the process of starting the step parent adoption. I received a packet from the county court house with information on what I need to do. In the packet it states that I need to send a registered letter of intent to the BF. I am not really sure what to put in this letter as they did not supply an example. How specific does this letter need to be? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Intent to Adopt Petition
An adoption petition or intent to adopt petition is a brief document which gives identifying information about the adoptive parents and the child to be adopted. This, together with the adoptive parents' homestudy, is filed with the court to initiate adoption proceedings.
This definition is taken from
A copy of the petition to adopt should be sufficient to serve the birth father.
this link
although state specific to PA, gives a general run down on what a petition of adoption usually entails.
[url=]Stepparent Adoption Blog[/url]