Hi everyone,
I'm in Dauphin county and have been thinking about being a foster parent for a long time, and am really starting to get serious about this process, but I obviously have a lot of questions.
If ANYONE can send some love my way, I would really appreciate it.
A million questions narrowed down to a few general ones:
1. How do I find an agency, and how do I know which agency is right for me?
2. I would like to foster children from birth-3, but I'm also interested in keeping my job at least part-time, how might that work? Do those of you who foster young children have jobs? Do you pay for childcare?
3. If a child has biological parents who are still involved and in the picture, what does the child call you? Mom? Dad? That would seem to cause confusion....
Well, I guess I didn't have as many to start out with as I thought. I'm pretty committed to this process, and am willing to deal with whatever it might bring!
Thanks in advance for any helpful suggestions you might have!
Hey Sara!
I haven't been a foster parent for long, actually we haven't even finished our homestudy yet and we already had one placement. I'd be happy to answer your questions and any others you might have! I haven't come across anyone on this message board from the same county, but you are welcome to email me, PM me, or even phone me if you want to exchange more information!
1. You can work directly with the county or go through a private agency. I contacted SWAN (state wide adoption network) and they sent me a list of agencies they work with. Those agencies do foster care, fost to adopt, and/or adoption. I contaced EVERY SINGLE agency on that list and only about 5 or 6 returned my calls. After speaking to the folks and understanding which kids they usually have to place and their level of support, I attended an informational meeting for one agency. After that meeting, DH and I decided to go with that agency. I'd be happy to provide you their name/number - they have been fantastic. I have another thread on the board about my week long placement and the agency has been GREAT. The child's worker, our worker, the director... everyone. They have a 24hr emergency POC and she was WONDERFUL and even went so far as to come to the house on a Sunday night.
2. Both my husband and I work full time jobs. Although our range is higher (4-12) 4yr olds would be in day care. Our agency advised us that with Dauphin county there is a 4 month wait list for daycare. (Yes day care is provided/covered - there are approved facilities). However, they did say that depending on someone's income and availability of budget, they would probably help cover the costs of daycare until the county/state kicked in. There's no guarantee, but especially if you are a single person, you would definitely go to the top of their priority to cover the costs.
3. Since you are looking at such young children, its hard to say. My first placement had just turned 7 yrs old and he knew me as Michelle... but did refer to me as mom (attachment issue). But he called DH, John not dad. Sometimes Dad slipped out. With yours being so young, they may end up calling you mom. Kids in foster care are very smart and sometimes say real mom vs mom, or mom vs mommy, etc. They shoudl be introduced to you using your first name and the longer they have you the more likely it may turn to mom.
Feel free to PM me or respond and Ill send you whatever information I can.
I'm in Montgomery County but we are currently ready to sign the final papers to finalize our homestudy. We are looking for an older child or sibling group to adopt (must foster for at least 6 mos first), plus I've done lots of reading. Feel free to contact me with any questions - no experience with hands-on care, but am eagerly awaiting the experience (plus scared to death!).