I have been told that my son is on NIDO formula. Has anyone heard of this brand? Do you know what an equivalent brand is?
My son was on this as well until he came home. We switched him immediately when we'd heard that it was nothing more than powdered milk. It's far cheaper than formula so FMs that want to save money sometimes buy it.
THe prvious post is correct. It is just powdered milk. How old is your little one? Maybe they are supplementing with vitamins.
Our daughter was switched to NIDO at about 8 months, according to our foster mother, at the doctor's direction. I honestly don't believe that she would lie to me, but even aside from that, our translator said this was common and didn't really understand why I was upset about it.
You should request that your lawyer have the foster mom switch to formula instead of the powdered milk (if she is of formula drinking age of course). The fees you pay should be partly for this very thing. Good Luck!
It's my understanding from our pediatrician that they should be on formula until they are a year old because of the vitamin content. I know that my son's hair and nails started growing like crazy after we switched him back to formula and he quit vomiting (huge benefit). I think that the milk was too hard on his stomach.
i don't remember what was in it, i just remember that even in spansih it was labeled for ages 1 and up....but eli had been on it since he was about 6 months old....until he was 10 months and came home. however, he is very big for his age and in the 100th percentile for it didn't stop him from growing ;) but i did switch him back as soon as he got here. i didn't bother saying anything b/c when i found out eli was 8.5 months and i knew he would be home very soon. if you are in guat, i would just buy the formula you want him on and send him back with some...i think it would be harder to monitor if you are stateside and just ask for a can be told anything, but it doesn't mean it is happening. you know??
Our Walmart has NIDO. In the grocery section we have a small section that has authentic Mexican/Hispanic food there. I just saw it yesterday.. NIDO and the Kinder-Nido. You'll be able to see exactly whats in it. It is powdered milk. My daughter was switched off of formula and onto powdered milk at 8 months also. Hope this helps some.
Does anyone know if this NIDO (powdered milk) has Vit. D in it?
It seems to. This is what I found on the Nestle website.
Because at Nestle we understand that ensuring children’s complete growth is every parent’s top priority, we have enriched NIDO’s formula with Proteins, Calcium, Zinc and Vitamins. All of these essential, nutritional elements are combined to offer your child a complete growth. The Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E provide the necessary energy for a child’s growth.
NESTLɮ NIDO 1+, 3+, 6+ is Nestle's new series of milk powders addressing the developmental needs of children for various age groups and at the various stages of growth. NIDO 1+with prebiotics, is developed for children ages 1 – 3 years as they experience the beginning of a change in their nutrition and development. NIDO 3+ with iron and vitamin C, is designed for children who are beginning their pre-school years. NIDO 6+ with Calcium, is focused on children of school age who are expereincing an increase in physical activities.
I would have sworn there was another one also - the one my daughter was on - that was for babies 6-12 months who are also eating other foods.
My son will be 1 year old at the end of November. I don't know when they started him on Nido. I picked up some Similac Gold to have on hand and the lawyer said that the fm will bring enough "formula" to cover me during my pick up next week. My main concern is switching him over without causing too much upset to his stomach.
I was able to find NIDO at Walmart in the hispanic section (beside the asian section). It is made by Nestle and according to the information on the label, has the same 'stuff' as whole milk. My daughter was switched to this at 12 mth. I have decided to keep her on it until we get rid of the bottle - which will probably be this winter.
My daughter was put on NIDO at 6 months old. After reading this post I called my agency and asked why she was put on this. She said she'd try to find out.