I am FM to two girls in Nebraska. The mother has not tested positive for meth since June of 2004. Since then, urine tests have been ran and some hair tests supposedly and one done most recently tested negative. Her hubby is in jail, and while she has been caught drinking, she never seems to have a positive test. After all that I have read, I have a VERY hard time believing she has been able to avoid the addiction. Even if she is short on $$, won't these people do anything to get a high? And yes, as far as I know, every test done within the past year has been random.
She might be able to cheat on a urine test but the hair follicle test is considered a sure thing because it reveals usage over a longer period of time. My niece also passes her drug tests, apparently without any struggle to stay straight -- which only proves to me that her problem is/was not addiction -- just bad choices about her companions and her lifestyle.
thank you i appreciate your input-but i thought that meth was sooooo addicting that many get hooked even when they dont want to...
I think its great if thats truly the case with unfortunate though-those bad choices are costing her four more kids-she's already lost two several years ago
I have been told that if a person recently colored their hair it can cause a false negative on hair tests.