Help!!!!!!! Inability to get concise info is driving me nuts. So here`s the scenario: Plan to adopt my fiancee`s son. We plan to get married within one week so that i could begin filing an adjustment of status for them but thats the snag.....
It would be nice to file for them using just one family name but i have no idea how long stepparent adoption takes in New York.
My fiancee is sole custodian of her 5yr old boy.
I have collected forms from the county family court but i need help with the process. Has anyone here gone through the step-parent adoption in NY? I do not believe this is a case for attorneys because i think it is a straight forward case.
Would appreciate any links, suggestions, comments on the process. For instance is there a definite time that i must be married to my fiancee before we can even begin the adoption process or is this at the discretion of the judge?
I just have so many questions and so little resources.
Helppppppp!!!!!!:grr: :grr:
While I do not know for certain off the top of my head what NY state statutes are...
In general most states require that the couple be married for at least one year prior to an adoption taking place to prove a stable household and family.
A smooth, noncontested adoption usually takes 5-6 months from start to finish, providing the courts are not back logged and you can get a quick hearing. Once you are married I would begin getting the documents that are needed, extra marriage certificates, birth certificates for everyone in the household, as these can take some time to aquire as well.
While you may not need to use an attorney for the actual process, you can still make an appointment for a free consultation to get more information from one as to what the actual laws are in the county that you live in ( as adoption laws vary not only from state to state but county to county) so that you will have a better idea as to what it is that you are going to be dealing with.
here is a link so that you can read the NY state statutes regarding adoption.
[URL=""]Child Adoption Laws New York[/URL]
[URL=""]Stepparent Adoption Blog[/URL]