Are there cheap and easy ways to locate the B/F with out spending a fortune doing it??? hadnt planned on doing this until after the holidays but looks like it aint going to wait and our lawyer had told us it would be easier if we found him and might even save us some extra dollars on down the road......Seems there would be a site or two for people who need this info to proceed but really cant afford to keep shelling out 30.00 here and 50.00 there on top of the lawyers fees and filing fees...
any help would be appreciated....
You can run an add in the paper telling of your intent to go through with the adoption. The add usually has to run for thirty days, after that there is usually an additional week or so to give the person you are trying to locate time to respond. If you have not heard anything by then you can usually continue with the adoption as though the absent parent has waived the right to contest the adoption. The add in the paper usually runs a few hundred dollars, but is seen as a true effort by the courts, and once it has been run most courts are willing to proceed. Contact your lawyer, or local court house to find out if the add should be run in your local paper, or the local paper of the absent parents last known address
You can also try looking online with such sites as which is a free service
You can also contact the Post Office and ask for a fowarding address if you have an older address of the person you are looking for.
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