Originally Posted By Claudia MarieI'm hoping this is getting to you. I was born in 8/21/36. They told me I was born in Springfield, Mo. but my BM was from AR. Do you have any info? I think I'm a twin,my birth weight 2-1/2 lbs, and 6 weeks, early. How about you.Please write back, even if we are not related. Thank YouJeannie
I would be interested in talking to adoptees born 1935-37. I am in search of a sibling (female) and have little info to go on. Was supposed to have been born in Mo. but possibly adopted in TX. I have no way of knowing if this is true or not. The information came from my birth mother and I do believe that it was at least a birth in MIssouri.
Am trying to make contact with the person who contacted my family early in 2002. This person contacted the correct family in Terre Haute Indiana. HOWEVER, you talked to a non-supportive, non-helpful person. We (my mom and I) may be able to help you. If you know your mother's maiden name was Funcannon or that her given name was Lillian Mae- we can help. The baby was supposedly (as told by family members) to have been still born. We never believed that. The birth may have been in Missouri. Your mother was from Indiana - Terre Haute or vicinity. You would be the son or daughter of my mother's first cousin. My mom is still alive and was very close to her cousin.