What has been the hardest part of your stepparent adoption? For us it was trying to get the court documents pertaining to the divorce and custody agreement of my dh and his ex. It was in another state in an extremely small town, and working with them over the phone was getting us nowhere! When I asked if I could pay over the phone for the documents and have them faxed, they simply over the phone? Oh no honey we don't do that, as she continued to laugh and marvel and the question I had asked her.
I think the hardest part for me was going to court for the termintaion of parental rights. Not only is it extremely nerve wracking for me to have to stand before a judge but it was also very difficult to have see my DD's BF. It was and is hard not to have negative feelings towards him after he abandoned my DD and I. I am so glad we are done with that part.