Hi all, reading some posts here and wondering how you find out about and go to a matching event.
We currently have a fd w/ us which we would love to adopt, but she is not tpr'd and not sure where that will go. I am interested in learning more about this. We are licensed thru cys and they know we are looking to adopt, but we've not been contacted for any adoptable children. I'm starting to think they give them all back.
I receive flyers in the mail for matching events - even as far away as 3 hours. My agency sends them to me even though they aren't hosting the event. Im licensed through a private agency. For this month, I know there are at least two events: One in Lancaster (on the 18th I believe) and one at State College (on the 24th). If you want additional information let me know. Ive also received profiles from PAE (Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange) in the mail that have a high percentage of meeting our criteria. Its just a short paragraph or two of a child or sibling group and then it asks us to contact our SW to get additional information. Im not sure what else to tell you on - Ive built a network with a few other future adoptive parents and we share information on all upcoming events that we learn about, but most of it has come from the flyers I receive. I will say that I have been disappointed in attending the events. They have flyers of both kids and families displayed. Some events have had 7 or 8 agencies and others as many as 25+. Even the bigger ones were a bit of a let down. Most of the kids profiled are available on the PA website and by this point its because they can't find a family for the child through informal networking. There were a few children at the Norristown one that were not yet on the website. The younger, less special needs child you are looking for, the more likely there won't be a profile at the event.... unless the child is part of a sibling group. But at the events, the agencies also took and promoted family profiles. This is part of the informal network. When agencies have kids for placements they will review homestudies they already have on file before posting on internet. I know my agency had my profile on display at one and had given copies to several agencies that asked for it. Where you located? Good luck!