i like TLC and saw a show on a family that had 16 kids. i cant remember their name, but the show was fascinating. they all usually wore matching clothes so the mom could keep track of them. i wish i could have seen the first show in this series because i could tell she had quite a system of organization and chores. some days i need help - some days it is just easier to get them out of the hose so i can just do it myself. maybe i could order the series on a dvd, i mean, how else are we going to figure all this out? why reinvent the wheel. my challenge right now is all the stuff. it is always everywhere and i am constantly nagging for everyone to put all their stuff away. i've done the garbage bag thing, hiding their stuff - lots of things, but nothing is working right now!
While we were going thru the PRIDE classes our instructor mentioned a family that works with them and what she does. Everyone in the family gets the same treatment BTW.Mom was tired of picking up after everyone else so she went out a bought a wire dog crate. She warns everyone 1 time to come get there things ( each night before bed- they have maybe 30 minutes to make a last minute round up of items)Then when the kids are in bed - anything laying around NOT in its place is her fair gain... They get locked into the dog crate ( with a real lock) and the children ( or parents) have to pick out a folded piece of paper out of a jar with a yucky chore on it like washing to base boards, cleaning the cat littler box, picking up the yard etc. ( must be completed before the item is returned) If they failed to complete the task it was their own fault, so if Jr had to go to school with out his gym shoes...he got in trouble in school too. Apparently they kids learned quickly to pick it up...I think its the seeing it but not being able to get to it that worked for them.