Hi PA folks,
It's been about 3 months since I've posted, and I'd say we're about 2months from being approved. We've done most of the hard work already, and now I'm getting really excited/anxious. I shared my news with all of my co-workers yesterday, and one of them actually asked if I would be taking my FMLA time. I said of course not, you don't receive it for foster children...she said, yes you do....
DO WE? FOR EACH CHILD? This just blows my mind....
Let me know if you have experience with this!
Yes, you do get FMLA (if your employer is large enough for it to apply) for each and every placement. I talked this over with my HR dept a few months ago when we were thinking about foster care and was told I had to fill out the FMLA paperwork each year because it's good for the calendar year, but that it would kick in with each and every placement.
Good luck to you!
I haven't used FMLA yet with any of my placements, but my boss is the one that told me that I would be able to use it if I wanted to. When we get a placement that looks more permanent, since our current girls are going to be recommended to return home in April, then I think I will jump on the chance to use it. MissS - where you at in PA?? Im in Dauphin county (Harrisburg area). Haven't found too many folks around me.
yup I used all 12 weeks. I used 2 weeks right after placement to bond with the baby, then worked half days for 6 months, then worked tues-friday for the rest of the time. You can use it all at once or intermittently like I did.
I figured this baby deserved my total attention since I had volunteered to take care of him and if we get another placement I will do the same for them.
Sarah we finalized in October, 2006. He is the love of my life!!!
I work for United Healthcare Insurance co. I've been with them 14 years. I started out working in the office answering calls and paying claims and for the past 5 years I've been working from home paying claims. Since it's a huge corporation I just had to apply for FMLA online and let my supervisor know I would be off. They were extremely flexible with me and I was very very lucky.
Yep, I get 12 weeks each year in FMLA. You can use it for foster care and adoption of a child. My company actually allows 2 weeks paid leave for adoptions too so that is cool. Go here for more info on FMLA: [url=]U.S. Department of Labor: Compliance Assistance: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)[/url]