I'm not a "new" foster parent as I originally was certified 4 years ago. But I always put an age limit of under 10.
Until now.
We moved and I got recertified and the SW told me everything would be done by Friday (Finally!)
However she throws it out there that they have a lot of pregnant teens that they can't place and would I be willing to take that.
I said yes.
She said they are typically 14-16. She said that normally the babies stay in the teen's custody and they get money from WIC ect to pay for the baby. If the baby is taken into the county's custody it could stay with us but they would pay a supplement to me to pay for the baby.
I am not saying I want them to take the baby away from the teen - BUT I don't see how they think a 14-16 year old is going to have money to buy baby clothes, a stroller, and car seat ect ect. I understand that WIC can cover diapers and food - but what about everything else???
I felt like the SW might already have someone in mind that she wants to place with us. I am okay with a pregnant teen BUT I honestly want a sibling group (of 2)and I've told them that a few times. I also think it would be a little strange (but also amazing) to be there to help a girl give birth and go through all that since I have never been pregnant myself YET.
Side note - My son really wants me to do foster care - but when I told him it could be a pregnant girl he said "NO" really quick... Then he asked "does she have a boyfriend?" He knows the birds and the bees, clearly we need to go into more detail now :)
We currently have a 17 yr old and her 2 year old daughter they've been here 2 mos we get 1/2 regular stipend for the 2 yr old.we also get a clothing and daily allowence for each we had a car seat stroller and toys they are using while they are here. It is Absolutly amazing to watch them together and our family has been truly blessed by both of them ! good luck and please let me know if I can give any more advice .
I'm just curious... I'm 26 years old and limited my range to 0-11yrs old because I was nervous about being too close in age to these kids. Among many things I thought they wouldn't feel the strong sense of security if they were living with someone that really wasn't too much older than them. Much less be able to respect someone, that wasn't too much older than them.
Anyway, the idea of taking in a pregnant teen never really occurred to me and it really appeals to me (helping a young girl learn some of the basic things that she might not have already been taught) and helping her learn to stand on her own two feet with her child...
With my age, do you think it would be completely unwise to open myself up to pregnant teens?
FYI: I'm a 26 yr old working single female
It really depends on the girl does she want to be mothered or just have an older friend to rely on for help w/the baby I'm in my 20's too but have worked for the school district with teens and have a ton of experiance on their behaviors etc.. A's really mature too and came here cooking, doing laundry, changing diapers etc and really just needs help learning to drive and finding a job so she can transition out of the system.
[QUOTE=Sissy22]It really depends on the girl does she want to be mothered or just have an older friend to rely on for help w/the baby I'm in my 20's too but have worked for the school district with teens and have a ton of experience on their behaviors etc.. QUOTE]
Honestly, I'm scared of teens. I was homeschooled so I didn't have a lot of contact with teens so being wild, loud, drugs, sex, staying out late.. things like that I didn't do, and didn't have the option of doing. It's really hard for me to relate to teens. Even the really well behaved ones are still crazy in ways my strict upbringing wouldn't have allowed.
Maybe that kind of answers my question for me. I always considered that the pregnant teens would be a little bit more calm... ?
I want to be clear that I don't mean to make it sound like the teens are the problem with this post. It's just that my upbringing was strict, :boot: and so I don't relate to them very well. That's all.
If you don't have the experience at this time I wouldn't do it ! they can test people who love them and work w/them everyday it's rewarding but a huge challenge !