I'm writing a research paper for my English class and was wondering if anyone could answer a few questions for me and maybe share a little of their story.
What is the process you had to go through to become a foster parent? How long did it take?
What, in your opinion, is the foster care system's biggest problem and why?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. If you can respond please send me a PM.
I'm not licensed to be a foster parent yet but I can tell you the process I'm going through to get the license.
I have to take a 30-hour MAPP (Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting) class and a 15-hour Positive Parenting course. In addition, I have to have a background check done, an inspection of my home for safety issues, and get a homestudy done (which is basically a summary of my background and potential issues with parenting).
There is a lot of stuff involved in the process. I have to have my house tested for radon, get a clean bill of health from my doctor, find a babysitter (who must also have their background investigated), and buy a lot of stuff for my house to be safe.
I can't tell what I consider to be the biggest problem at this point because i'm not licensed yet. Good luck with your paper.
To get our license we had to go through 36 hours of PRIDE training, plus have an extensive background check, take CPR classes. We had our home study done at the same time, so there were a few things that I am not sure if were part of the foster license process or home study, such as references. The licensor also came out and did an inspection of our home making sure we met all the state requirements, such as fire extinguisher on both floors, escape ladder upstairs (written fire escape plan, and a log showing monthly fire drills), the required bandages (and latex gloves), medicines all locked up etc. We were also required to show proof that our cats had thier rabies shots. And we needed a written safety plan.
To maintain our license we need to complete 36 hours of classes/training every three years. Plus, when we moved we had to have the licensor come out and license our new home.
As for what the biggest problem with the foster system- stevenstwin hit the nail on the head. The workers are so over loaded they lose track if the kids... Things take way longer than they should, because they just plain do not have enough time! There is a huge turnover, due to the burn out rate. In the year that our son lived with us as foster, prior to adoption he had four separate workers. Our daughter had two. and every time they get a new worker all the paper work required to complete their adoption gets held up again. Our daughters adoption was all but finished in Jun 06. But due to a change in case workers her adoption wasn't finalized till 12/06.