If you see the previous post, you get a background into our situation. 5 years no contact from bio, signed declaration of paternity...
If I closed the child support case 3 years ago, can we file for back pay from that time if he contests the adoption?
I'm not sure about the child support case.
But really I want to encourage you to let go of any retaliatory contingencies and what-ifs. At this point, it will only contribute to an atmosphere of contention. Children are very perceptive- even if it's not spoken- they sense attitudes, tension, etc. You need to be the calming, relaxing, peaceful, soft place for your child to feel secure and assured, not getting revved up or tense about money or worst case scenarios.
If it's really been that long with no contact, you have nothing to fear. Yes he can protest. My husband's ex had not made contact for years, but perked right up with protests and promises as soon as she got the petition for termination and adoption. But the investigator will decide whether abandonment has already taken place. If it has, and in your case it has, then the investigator will recommend the adoption will be approved, and it will be.
Yes, it will take a while and require patience and endurance. Our case was finalized 3 years after we filed. 2 yrs were just waiting for our turn to come up. But it will be finished and it will work out.
So just forget the child support issue. Forget what-ifs. Just speak the truth calmly, without defensiveness and without fear. Truth will prevail. Everything will be fine.
Hang in there.
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