Are you able to get "food stamps" or something like that to cover the cost of diapers, wipes, etc, for an infant in foster care?
It's SO expensive!
Foster children qualify for WIC, a federal program which will cover the majority of the costs of formula and other food.
I have heard that some counties offer addtional subsidy for infants to cover diapers. I don't think Montgomery does though ( I have never taken an infant)
We didn't receive any assistance for diapers or wipes. We got a $60 a month clothing allowance and the WIC and the Access card. Your monthly check is supposed to cover the diapers,
And be prepared..when the baby turns one WIC will no longer cover formula without a dr. note. And once that happens WIC doesn't cover jarred baby food. You'll get milk, cheese, regular cereal, juice, eggs and dried beans (which i've never bought...have NO idea what to do with them).
Other than going broke how is it going????
Okay, all though I'm clear across the country (OR) I'll try to answer some of the questions that have come up on this thread.
MissS - Food stamps do not cover diapers, only food. You can sometimes get TANF (temporary assistance to needy families) that will cover more items. Your family income must be below a certain amount though. You can check with your local DHS office for requirements. You can also check with your local DHS office and see if there is a diaper day where they give diapers to needy families (here it's called Diaper Tuesday and happens once a month). Sometimes the resource room at your local DHS office will have supplies. Check with your certifier or the cw.
HopefulinPA) - I've never heard of WIC covering jarred baby food - only the cereal. As for the dried beans, they are great for chili, bean soup and in many recipies.