I'm a single foster mom of a 21-month-old little girl. She's my first foster child (I've only had her for 3 weeks). She's also my only child as I don't have any birth children. She's a wonderful child, very smart, very sweet, very obedient, very well adjusted, all around great kid. I love her so much and she's pretty attached to me as well. We have tons of fun together.My issue is, I always wanted boys and slightly older children (4-7 preferably). Because of this, I'm debating whether or not I should tell my case worker that I want to take in more children (i.e. 1-2 boys aged 4-7) in addition to my little girl. I already have another room decorated and set up with a set of bunk beds and a seperate single twin bed in it and it's packed with toys, books, and movies for kids. It's just sitting there empty.Being a single working parent is already a big adjustment with just the one child (especially with her being so young). I'm just wondering if I'm crazy to even consider taking in more children right now. I'm not really concerned how my daughter will handle it, I know she'd love it. She loves being around other people, adults and kids. I know she'd adjust fine. I'm just wondering if I will. I realize I'm not likely to get kids as well adjusted and easy going as see is the next time, especially since I want older ones.Let me know what you all think. Can a single Mom handle multiple foster kids and do it well?
I, too, am single and just entered into the foster care biggest concern is childcare....Texas does NOT cover daycare expenses. So - my question for those of you who work fulltime AND do you find affordable childcare? How do you take in a child when you know you need to go to work the next day? How do you handle sick time? Whew! Any answers out there??:o
I, too, am single and just entered into the foster care biggest concern is childcare....Texas does NOT cover daycare expenses.
So - my question for those of you who work fulltime AND do you find affordable childcare? How do you take in a child when you know you need to go to work the next day? How do you handle sick time?
Whew! Any answers out there??:o
I, too, am single and just entered into the foster care biggest concern is childcare....Texas does NOT cover daycare expenses. So - my question for those of you who work fulltime AND do you find affordable childcare? How do you take in a child when you know you need to go to work the next day? How do you handle sick time? Whew! Any answers out there??:o
Katie, I am so sorry for hijacking your thread, but the responses have been wonderfully helpful! Special thanks to Skylark! I did as you said and now have a list of daycares.... For those I confused with my post, apparently Texas DOES help with daycare. I misunderstood when they made a big point of the fact that the stipends for the children could not be used for daycare....I thought that meant no monies for daycare. Again, thanks for all the help - I can see why CPS doesn't volunteer the info, but it almost cost them a potential foster home as I was really worried over how to handle the costs for emergency placement. I have budgeted everything out, recognizing that foster kids cost a lot more than the stipend covers, but daycare for more than one child would have broken the bank! :thanks:
Katie, I am so sorry for hijacking your thread, but the responses have been wonderfully helpful! Special thanks to Skylark! I did as you said and now have a list of daycares.... For those I confused with my post, apparently Texas DOES help with daycare. I misunderstood when they made a big point of the fact that the stipends for the children could not be used for daycare....I thought that meant no monies for daycare. Again, thanks for all the help - I can see why CPS doesn't volunteer the info, but it almost cost them a potential foster home as I was really worried over how to handle the costs for emergency placement. I have budgeted everything out, recognizing that foster kids cost a lot more than the stipend covers, but daycare for more than one child would have broken the bank! :thanks:
Well Guys, I guess I am crazy :hypno:. I wanted to update everyone and let you know that about a month ago, I took in two more children, a 2.5 year old boy and his 4.5 year old brother. I still have my fd, she just turned 2 the first week of July. So now I've got 3 under 5 and I'm still very very single. The adjustment was initially pretty challenging on both the boys (lots and lots of :hissy:)and me but things have since calmed down quite a bit. We're beginning to attach to one another. I've developed a working routine that keeps us on track and our days running fairly smoothly. Without it, life would be chaos! But I know that I am officially crazy :hypno: because I can't stand knowing that I've got one more empty bed at my house. I want it filled. I know my licensing worker wouldn't go for it though. She was very concerned about giving me 3 at the same time and it took some convincing on my part for her to go along with it. But since things have gone so smoothly for this first month, I think she's finally convinced that I can handle it. A foster parent friend of mine mentioned something yesterday about asking her worker about children who were legally free for adoption and it struck a chord with me that I haven't been able to shake. I've wanted to adopt since I started the process to become licensed and none of my kids are eligible for adoption. As a matter of fact, all of mine are expected to return to family in the next few months. I plan to ask my worker about legally free children for my next placement. I would really love to have some that I won't have to see leave. Anyway, thanks for all your help and advice! Stay blessed :loveyou: !
But I know that I am officially crazy :hypno: because I can't stand knowing that I've got one more empty bed at my house. I want it filled.
I know my licensing worker wouldn't go for it though. She was very concerned about giving me 3 at the same time and it took some convincing on my part for her to go along with it. But since things have gone so smoothly for this first month, I think she's finally convinced that I can handle it.
I've had as many as 7 with the oldest being 4 1/2 and 2 infants, 2 2yo's, & 2 3 yo's. The 3 yo's were twins and the rest were single placements. I loved it. I have been on "vacation" now since May and really, really miss my "babies". Of course, I've been visiting my grandbabies (9) so I'm not missing out on being with babies either. The whole key is structure and keeping things simple. New placements always took a week or so to get the "idea" but no one was ever lonely - there was always someone up to play with - that took a lot of pressure off of me. I don't know that I would take a single placement - it's too wearing. LOL Lots of luck and God will lead your heart in the way He intends. Bless you for opening your heart and home for one of our nations unfortunates.
Well Guys, I guess I am crazy :hypno:. I wanted to update everyone and let you know that about a month ago, I took in two more children, a 2.5 year old boy and his 4.5 year old brother. I still have my fd, she just turned 2 the first week of July. So now I've got 3 under 5 and I'm still very very single. But I know that I am officially crazy :hypno: because I can't stand knowing that I've got one more empty bed at my house. I want it filled. A foster parent friend of mine mentioned something yesterday about asking her worker about children who were legally free for adoption and it struck a chord with me that I haven't been able to shake. I've wanted to adopt since I started the process to become licensed and none of my kids are eligible for adoption. As a matter of fact, all of mine are expected to return to family in the next few months. I plan to ask my worker about legally free children for my next placement. I would really love to have some that I won't have to see leave.Stay blessed :loveyou: !
you guys inspire me!!!!
I am taking my classes in January... I have dreamed of doing foster care ever since I was a teenager, my husband and I had planned to foster/ adopt, but he got sick with cancer and passed away this past spring. I have prayed long and hard and have decided that I can do this on my own... I love kids... I have been invloved in childcare (nanny etc.) for over 8 years, I realize what a challenge it can be to raise someone elses kids... I also live in a very conservative commmunity, single parent are not very popular! I unfortuantely do not have a lot of family support either, my family is all 6 hrs away and altho I have wonderful inlaws,(we live in the same driveway) they don't get why I would want to do something like this!!I have 2 friends that are foster parents so I would have some support.
I think my biggest concern is my job.... I have a very flexible job, but not sure what is available as far as daycare close to my house. I already struggle to keep up with my yard work, my house and my job, so I want to figure out how to balance all of this plus a child or 3 before I go to much farther!!!
I am working with a youth center thru my curch and have a teenager that lives with friends of mine that is coming to stay with me over the weekend,(they needed a break) with the possiblilty that this could become long term!
Ok so I just rambled here..... I am still trying to sort things out..... writing helps!!!
Once again your stories really encouraged me!!!!!!!
meshsgrl - You are inspiring me! It sounds like you have been through a lot in the last few years. Planning is fabulous but don't worry too much about every little step. You have done the research, you will take the classes and get to talk to the sw and other new foster parents, and you already have friends that are fostering. My advice to you right now is to enjoy the ride and get ready for some adventures, lots of surprises, some crying, and a lot of love!
I agree with Amahmama - ONE is much more draining than two. I currently have three under three, and will probably hold off on more when my 2 1/2yo is ru'd since the other two need a lot of attention and loving right now. That said, I don't know that I would want to go back to just one anytime soon!
I take my first class on Tuesday!! I am soooo excited, yet kinda scared!!
I have been dreaming about doing this forever... I tend to be a rather impulsive person, who dreams big, but have been taking lots of time to pray and work thru the details of becoming a single foster parent. I had a long talk with my sister in law about the problems of single parenting, she wasnt very encouraging, I live in a community where single parenting is very unusual, so I have to have good answers for the many questions that I am asked! I feel like I am prepared for huge challenges, yet am very aware that if I mess this up there are alot of people that are going to say "I told you so".
I still want to do some painting in my house (I have a bedroom ready) and I need to do all the child proofing, plus I am trying to decided whether I want to take some classes for a at home job. I work 6 days a week right now, plus work with a youth center 1-2 nights a week.... so I dont have a lot of extra time for these things!!
Is it really true that its easier with 2 kids then 1? How does it work with kids switching schools? I know from working with the school in a previous situation that they are pretty flexible and willing to work with me. Do I contact them or does the agency I work with?
My mind is spinning with all the possiblities... my life has changed dramatically in the last year and I am looking forward to some good things this year!