Hi all,
I posted to this group some time ago. I do not remember my login, so I am new I guess. I just wanted to share that we have filed for our adoption and have a hearing in a week. My ex did contest, as I thought that he would. We however are very hopeful due to our states laws on termination. I am SO excited to just be started, but I am nervous too.
I am not sure what to expect at the hearing, if any of you would not mind sharing, it would help my worries.
I am also not sure if he has a atty. He sent in a letter to the court himself ( he does this, he is in prison and thinks he went to law school too) and by doing that he entered an apperance himself. That is what caused the hearing date to get set. If he shows up with a atty or is defending himself then it will be heard and should be finished. I have also heard that if he has no atty, that some states appoint him one. Any answers would be helpful.
As a side note- I am loving the step adoption blog. SO much info and it is nice to have. :thanks:
In our state, stepparent adoptions are streamlined and do not require a hearing if they are not contested (which ours wasn't) so we never had to appear in court. It was a little diappointing for us as at first we were looking forward to the who official aspect of going to court to finalize. What we got was a phone number to call (and pretty much harrass the court!) and check to see if the documents had been signed yet. After about two days they already knew me by the sound of my voice I called so often! Some states will appoint him a lawyer, but he has the right to refuse it if he wishes to represent himself. The hearing is going to give each side a chance to present their case, your side will have a chance to state why you would like the stepparent adoption to happen, why it is in the best interest of the child, and to show how the father has abandoned the child. He will then have a chance to state his case, as to why his rights should not be terminated. After hearing both sides the judge can either make a decision then and there, chose to think on it before making a decision, or to hear more from both sides and set a date for another hearing. Given the fact that the father is in prision the judge may be more apt to make a decision then and there, rather than to schedule another hearing. Have you spoken with your lawyer as to what to expect at the hearing? That would be a great way to calm your nerves and put your mind at ease. And last but not least, I am glad that you are enjoying the [url=]Stepparent Adoption Blog[/url] that is always great to hear!
Thank you for your answer. I have spoke to my atty and she seems to think that it will be pretty simple, due to the laws. I just have been thinking of this day for so long, I want it all to go smooth. I just wanted to have others to talk to, for the most part. I will let you all know what happens.